The Diamond Of Rage

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The last preparations were being made for the wedding, Tamara letting out a wince as she felt her corruption spread further.

She walked into the temple, saying "Alright, let's talk."

She leaped up, grabbing onto Jasper's bubble. She sucked in a breath, before popping the bubble. She grabbed onto the gem, A blood orange light filling the room.


Tamara opened her eyes, seeing herself in a black void.

"I wondered when you would show up.... Red."

She turned around, seeing Jasper glaring at her.

"Jasper.... What happened?" Tamara asked.

"We were both too weak, that's what! You lost, becoming this.... Lesser version of yourself! Look at what has become of you, fusing with someone like me...."

"The fusion is stable enough, both of us will manage until I'm done. So please, just tell me why you did all of this?! This could've been so much more calm, and relaxed!" Tamara shouted, a red aura filling the space.

"You need to calm down-"


Tamara looked up to see she had unfused from Jasper, a red aura filling the inside of the temple.

"No, not. Now." She struggled, her shadow becoming more rigid.

She focused on her breathing, said shadow shrinking back down into her normal form. She let out a breath, a few embers escaping.


The wedding began, Tamara watching from the back. She tapped her foot anxiously, a nagging feeling in the back of her head.

"You're nervous."

She turned to see Red Pearl squeezing her shoulder.

"Relax, nothing bad could happen today. The diamonds aren't here, and there's absolutely nothing to worry about." Netty added, not noticing the pained expression on her face.

*Time skip*

"Hey, Tamara!" Steven said, going over to the girl.

"Hey, you did good, Steven." She complimented.

"Thanks. I actually wanted to ask.... If you knew a way back to Homeworld."

Tamara tilted her head in confusion, asking "Why would you want to go to Homeworld?"

"I want to fix everything-"

A shout was heard, both Tamara and Steven's attention snapping over to the giant blue hand in the sky.

".... Well screw me on a Friday night, it's Blue." Tamara exclaimed.

"I'll get the gems!" Steven yelled, running off.

Tamara summoned her weapon, beginning to climb up up the Crystal Gems temple. She got to the top of it, looking down at the fighting to see Blue Diamond. Her Javelin began to grow in size, a red glint forming in both of her eyes.

She called Steven's phone, Steven answering with "Not now!"

"Steven.... Move."

She threw the weapon, the Javelin hitting the fingers of Blue Diamond's ship, trapping said diamond underneath it. Tamara set fire to her feet, flying down to the rest of the gems. She turned her head, seeing Lapis Lazuli.

"Lapis." Tamara greeted.

"Tamara." Lapis greeted back.

Peridot cheered, saying "We kicked her butt!"

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