The Team

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"In local news, another anti-mutant protest has ended in-"

(Y/n) groaned as he sat on the couch in one of the many living rooms of the Xavier mansion/school. "Turn that garbage off Billy. There's never anything positive on the news"

Billy Kaplan rolled his eyes before grabbing the remote with his magic and turning the tv off. "You don't have to sit here while I watch it then"

 "You don't have to sit here while I watch it then"

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"You're my cousin... sort of. I want to spend time with you" (y/n) spoke as he glanced at his watch.

Billy nodded as he looked up at his cousin. "I want to spend time with you too. But I'm going out soon"

"Where are you going?" (Y/n) quickly asked, it wasn't like Billy to leave at night. "You got a date?"

"In fact I do" Billy smirked smugly.

"So who's the lucky lady?" (Y/n) quickly asked causing the other boy to lose his smile although only for a moment. (Y/n) assumed he just hadn't expected the suddenness.

"Nobody you know" Billy finally spoke as he regained his smile. He stood up. "Want to help me choose an outfit?"

"With my sense of style? That should go well" (y/n) let out a laugh before he also stood up and followed his cousin as he began walking.

"Yeah I've been meaning to ask about that" Billy spoke gently. "What were you thinking when you matched that shirt with an orange kippah. It really doesn't work"

"My normal kippah got disintegrated in the danger room earlier" (y/n) sighed. "Was actually gonna ask-"

Before he could finish Billy's hand was surrounded by magic and in a moment (y/n) found his normal navy blue kippah sitting on his head in place of the one that had just been there. "Oh. Thanks!"

"Can't leave you looking like you're wearing an orange on your head" Billy smirked as they turned a corner.


"Where is that boy?" Katherine Pryde asked herself as she walked down the halls of the dorm area of the school. She had already checked his room but he wasn't there.

"I am not wearing transformers cufflinks on my date" Kitty heard the stern tone of voice from the mostly closed door a few feet from her. "How about the star ones?"

"That must be him" she laughed to herself before quickly walking to the door and knocking on it twice. "Come on!"

Kitty quickly stuck her head and upper body through the door. "Hey is- yep, he is" she quickly noticed (y/n) helping Billy with his cufflinks.

"Good evening Kat" (y/n) smiled at her as he finished putting Billy's cufflinks on him.

"Please don't call me that" Kitty frowned. "I don't want that name sticking"

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