Chapter Thirteen

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"When did this happen?" Rene asked, resting her head on her chin while she sat down.

"How the fuck am I supposed to know," Jenna snapped, now fully sobering up from last night's events. I didn't know how to explain it, so I kept silent.

"So where do we go from here?" Saint asked as he walked into the office. Something was off about him. I just gave him an 'Are you kidding' face. You yell at me and then tell me you killed ex-husband, ex-husband. It's just great.

"So what you are saying is that you think you killed him?" Jenna deadpanned as Saint nodded, eyes downcast. There is something he isn't telling me; I can sense it. Lorenzo is not an easy man to kill. How do you not know that you killed someone?

"You do realize we are all dead, right?" Rene giggled, smacking her knee and then standing to her feet. She just shook her head and walked out of the office doors. Jenna followed suit as Francisco walked through the doors, giving her a little wink. She blushed, hurrying past him.

"See you later, baby," Bones hollered as she ran down the steps to the bar. He chuckled at her reaction. I just rolled my eyes at their behavior. Death always waits around the corner; all he has time for is jokes. God, I wish I could beat his head in with a bat.

"Are you done glaring at me yet," Bones snapped as I reflected on the hatred for him bubbling in my veins. I couldn't help but snicker as he grew agitated, and my face contorted into a more sinister stare. "You're fuckin weird," he shook his head, breaking eye contact first. 

"Grow up," I snapped, turning to Saint, who held an amused expression. Bones just mumbled under his breath as he walked out of the doorway. 

"You two have a mutual hatred," He mused, rubbing his chin in thought. I just looked at him dumbfounded because I was not worried about a mutual hatred right now but rather a possible dead mafia member. "Did you kill Lorenzo or not?" I snapped, half in my drunken state and half sober. I sat my box beside the couch and stood up, looking at him. Lorenzo is by any means an easy man to kill; that much I know from first-hand experience. 

"You have no idea who I am, baby doll," He chuckled as he stood up to tower over me with that stupid smug look. I turned to look out the window that overcame the bar as Rene argued with the men there. We have to leave soon. "If you are thinking about leaving, erase that thought," Saint snapped as I felt him place his hand tightly around the back of my neck. He whirled me around to face him with a grim expression. 

"And what if I am?" I sneered in his face as his eye flickered to my lips and back up to meet my eyes. 

"You don't have a choice," He stated with a tiny smirk. "You cost me my men, darling, and now you owe me," Saint had no hint of playfulness or joking in his eyes as he had earlier. "I'm worse than anybody you have ever met, don't cross that line, and I won't kill your pretty little ass right here, baby doll," He sneered right back in my face as he held a tight grip on my neck. He forcibly turned me around around, keeping me close to his body.

Five men ganged up on Rene as she tried to run.  

"Watch them struggle, "He whispered as I heard my girls scream from below. Rene put up a fight while Jenna fell to her knees, a clear sign she had given up.

"Get the fuck off of me," Jenna screamed with tears streaming down her face as Saints men forced her up, yanking her arms tightly behind her back. Bones was the one restraining her. HE whispered something in her ear, causing her to cry even more. 

Saint's grip was so tight I didn't notice when he slipped his arm around my waist to secure me from moving. "Let us go, you son of a bitch," I snapped, trying to yank my face away from his. 

"Your little crime syndicate took everything from me, so you are going to repay what is owed, my darling," He snapped, yanking me closer to him. I wanted to kill him so bad. If only I had known his act as a rouse, I would have left as soon as I could. "I've been watching you since the minute you left Italy, darling," He mused as all the adrenaline drained from my body. I had been so careful with the girls when I left. How did I not know? Maybe I wasn't as cautious as I thought. 

"How?" I choked back a breath of air as his grip remained tight. He laughed lightly in my ear. 

"We have known each other since we were children, Amore Mio. Don't act so surprised; it will register soon enough." He clarified. How in the hell... 

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