This is you

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Changkyun turned his head over to San before he looked back at Wooyoung "Oh don't mind me I'm just introducing myself" he said , provoking San with the way he was talking.

San's blood was boiling seeing him being so close to Wooyoung made him snap , he walked over to them and placed his hand on his brothers shoulder pulling him away from the blonde haired boy.

"Don't you fucking dare doing this ever again" he threatened him and these weren't just empty words San was dead serious , he had such a crazy expression in his eyes it was scary.

Changkyun smirked at San's reaction , seeing him get so angry satisfied him "C'mon San you can't be mad now , it's not my fault that a pretty boy is in your office all alone, I was just giving him some company" he provoked him and San could only see red.

He grabbed his brother by the collar and pulled him close "I swear to god if you dare laying a finger on him I will end you" he threatened him once again even if his voice was low you could hear the anger in his tone.

Changkyun rolled his eyes unbothered by San's words , there was no way that he would leave this boy alone now knowing that it seemed like he was important to San.

He hated his brother so much that he wanted to take everything he had and leave him with nothing.

"Now I'm scared brother" he said as he was smirking at him "Anyways I wouldn't be here if you would've just answered my messages , I had to fly all the way from America you asshole!"

San clenched his jaw as he let go of him and pushed him away "We will talk later, now go" he said and Changkyun hummed but decided to leave knowing with his appearance San wouldn't be able to ignore him further.

Before he left he would look at Wooyoung again and winked at him before he left his brothers office.

It was quiet for a moment until San threw a glass that was on his desk against the wall and it made Wooyoung flinch at the spot immediately feeling as if he was at home right now where his unscrupulous father threw beer bottles at him.

The moment San saw Wooyoung flinch like that he mentally cursed at himself , he was angry at himself for scaring the boy like that just because of his stupid brother.

He walked over to Wooyoung and sat down next to him placing his hand on the boys cheek as he made him look at him "Sorry ... I didn't mean to scare you like that Wooyoung" he said honestly as he looked into the boys eyes.

The blonde haired boy looked up despite having that weird feeling of being scared and anxious he felt all relaxed in San's touch "You didn't scared me .. it's all good" he lied.

San sighed and caressed the boys cheek with his thumb softly "Did he do something to you?" the older male asked and Wooyoung quickly shook his head to reassure him "no- no he didn't , really" he quickly said.

"So uhm...he's your brother?" the blonde haired boy asked and San clenched his jaw , thinking about how close they were just minutes ago.

"Stepbrother" he corrected him "same father different mother" the male added "Don't even get anywhere near him , he's no good" he warned the boy and Wooyoung would only nod it wasn't like he could say otherwise since he could tell that the two brothers weren't on good terms.

When Wooyoung nodded San instantly would smile and it was as if he never felt angry at all but deep down San was exploding.

The older male kept caressing his cheek "I will have to finish some paper work but after that we will go and eat something yeah?" he asked him and the blonde haired boy smiled at the suggestion "okay"

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