New paying method

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A couple of days has passed and San didn't even texted him once which made Wooyoung feel odd but he didn't wanted to think about it too much since it must be better that he hasn't contacted him yet.

Wooyoung still didn't spoke to his friends about the articles because he didn't knew what to tell them but thankfully they were so understanding and didn't bothered him any further except teasing him from time to time.

Wooyoung for some reason still had went to some of his part time jobs , he didn't wanted to be fully deepened on the money San would give him because it could be over any time that's why he still worked hard.

The blonde haired boy has been bothered a lot by Jay the whole day now and even yesterday he ordered Wooyoung to meet up with him and he knew why.

When he made it to Jays place whatever you could call that place where he would mostly hang around Wooyoung instantly felt unwell but he knew he had to come here.

He walked inside and Jay smirked widely when he saw Wooyoung "Oh Wooyoung you're here , I've missed you so much!" he said and got up walking over to the boy and pulled him closer by gripping the back of his hair causing Wooyoung to wince "You just disappeared and I've told you the next payment is due" he said and leaned down as his grip got even tighter.

He watched Wooyoung and smirked down at him before he let go and walked to his seat where he spread his legs and began to undo his belt.

"Come here" he said.

Wooyoung looked at him with disgust in his eyes and Jay just raised his brow "What is it you whore? Come suck me now or I won't be so nice and will actually take some good amount of money from you" he said.

The boy took an envelope out of pocket and threw it at him "There are two thousand dollars for the next two weeks I don't want you to bother me and I definitely won't suck you off not now and never again" he said.

Jay caught the envelope and looked inside of it before taking the money out and counting it halfway as he raised his brow. He began to laugh and got up placing the money down on the table "A new paying method did you rob a bank mhm?" he asked him and looked to the boy.

Wooyoung looked up at him and tried to keep a good distance between them but Jay always close the distance "Or did you start selling your body?" he whispered to his ear.

The blonde haired boy just glared at him and pushed him away and Jay definitely didn't liked that so in response he slapped him very hard across the face causing Wooyoung to stumble back "better know your place your whore! You think because you came here with a bit of money you can act up?!" Jay yelled  and grabbed Wooyoung hard by his hair pulling him closer to look at his face.

The boy now had a visible red mark all over his cheek and he looked scared exactly what Jay excepted "That's right , you're the one paying off debts not the other way around you whore. I've been so nice to let you do other things in return so you don't have to pay me back with money I spared your life because if it wasn't for your pretty face I never would've suggested that instead I would've started to chop off pieces from your body!" he yelled again as he slapped Wooyoung very hard across the face once again causing Wooyoung to fall on the ground this time.

The boy held his face this time his lip started to bleed and his cheek got even redder he had to hold back his tears as he got up and all of a sudden he felt like shit again so useless.

Wooyoung turned around and was about to leave "Oh and you father borrowed 6 thousand this time" the blonde haired boy froze.

"What?" He turned around and grabbed Jay by the collar "What are you saying?! I told you to stop lending him any more money!" He yelled this time completely loosing it and so did Jay.

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