play by the rules

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Wooyoung looked up at San his eyes were so dark and empty it almost scared Wooyoung.

"I-...hurt myself at work.." he lies

San's expression just went more worse. He was so angry that he didn't even noticed Wooyoung was lying at him.

"Work? What do you mean , your work is this now you shouldn't be having any other jobs I've told you that already" he said his voice still low and it made Wooyoung anxious.

"Your face is all ruined now , how am I supposed to go in public with you when you have a busted lip people might think I've hit you" the annoyance in San's tone was so visible.

"I'm sorry..."

The male looked into Wooyoungs eyes before he backed off and sat on his chair "You're not even wearing the clothes I've told you to wear" again the annoyance in his tone and it made Wooyoung feel bad.

The blonde haired boy turned around and kept his eyes on the table he felt like he was being scolded and it was so stupid because San was a stranger but then again he was now sort of his boss?

"I-" San interrupts almost instantly "I'm going to say this one last time , I want you to quit every part time job you have , you pick up my calls and reply to my messages , you will listen to what I tell you when you're working and ... you will also back off from any possible partners" he said "You have to play by the rules got it? Or I will replace you" he stated and that scared Wooyoung he couldn't afford being replaced when he would get so much money.

"I'm sorry I will play by the rules I promise" the boy answered him not daring to argue about any of his stupid rules.

San watches Wooyoung analyses him carefully. The older male would never replace Wooyoung not when he went through so much to finally have him. He was obsessed with the blonde haired boy and couldn't afford replacing him or he might really snap and get crazy.

San leans back and sighs "The reason why I called you was because I needed to attend somewhere and you needed to come too but I can forget that now"

Wooyoung bit the inside of his cheek "I'm-" San again interrupts him "Are you done apologising I'm getting annoyed of that" San said so coldly he was so different now than to the first time they've met.

San's pov :

I didn't wanted to be so cold hearted to my beloved Wooyoung but this situation simply annoyed me a lot. I've planned today so well and now my plans got ruined because one damn busted lip.

I could tell that it bothered Wooyoung how I acted right now and I had to hold back a laugh. He looked so cute when he was worried and frustrated like that but then again I don't want my Wooyoung frustrated even though I like being able to order him around and scold him.

I haven't forget how bratty he had acted at that night // the night they've met for the first time //

I was starting to feel more annoyed I wanted to spend this night with Wooyoung and now I couldn't do that or could I?

I eyed him up and down and notice how much his  clothes annoyed me , I'm somehow happy that he wasn't showing off his beautiful body to the public but I wanted him to show it when he's around me so seeing him in baggy clothes simply annoyed me more right now.

I got up without speaking a word , I took my coat on and fixed my tie a little before walking towards the boy.

I lifted up his chin and my expression changed in one damn second just by looking into his pretty eyes , they looked so sad and empty I wanted to change that.

Glorious helper ~ WoosanWhere stories live. Discover now