Chapter 7: Part 1: Should I Stay

Start from the beginning

"Well- if I didn't say anything- everything would come down on me hard in the end-"

Her brows furrow on him- annoyed-

"What?... why is that- that's not true... and even if it was- well- then- let it come down on me instead- Rafe-" she implies simply. She crosses her arms and becomes more serious- her lips thinning into a line.

"Yeah-" he laughs dryly- "I don't think you seem to realize that isn't how it will work-" he replies back slowly.

"Still- you can't go making plans for me when I never told you to- you can't do that- you don't have that right." she says, watching him sternly- annoyed- finding herself losing her cool... she was starting to feel like her blood wanted to boil... She hates it when people try to take control of her life... Rafe's eyes dart over her- his brows dipped with confusion- watching her with a bit of frustration now... "I can make my own decisions."

"I mean- I know you can.. I'm not trying to make them for you-" he replies curtly, turning away, putting one bag down at a time and swallows down roughly- "You've done that already- anyway-" he scoffs, shrugging his shoulders. "-nothing will change the fact you will leave- you'll decide- what you want... is to leave." he says simply- lips twisting in a motion that said he was quickly becoming irritated... his pushing down his emotions- he doesn't want them to surface- show. "I was only doing what you would do anyway- ok?" he attempts to walk away, but finds himself turning back to her rapidly- "but I..." he points to his chest..."I was just taking the step first... for you."

She groans- rolling her eyes- losing her patience- he thought he was doing her a favor- or saving her from something?... he has no clue... she glares at him.

"Really?- I didn't know you read minds-" she huffs out. "How do you know what I want?... you'd barely know what I want Rafe... a-and even if you did you can't go making choices for me- like when I should leave-" she voices with disbelief. She huffs out exasperated. "Why don't you ask me- come on- try it... what if I want to stay? You assume-"

"But you don't." he rumbles out- cutting her off- annoyed. He inhales a sharp breath- trying to calm his racing pulse- and his jaw sets with a serious look, hands sliding into his pockets. "You may want to use me- right?... for your pogue friends, right?"

When she takes time to reply he smirks- like he had her all figured out... his shoulders tense up and heavy as he turns away- gaze hardening, and brows deepen- holding himself together. He walks over and places the key on a small counter table against the wall.

His eyes barely meet hers as he turns but still catches the hard stare she's giving him.


"I don't think that's fair- not after what we've just been through-" she breathes out- emotional- "that's what you assume but it's bullshit Rafe-"

"Nahh- it's not-" he shakes his head- pacing-.. "-and don't tell me that-" he scoffs, striding- furiously- over to her again. "Sooo bullshit- right?!- fuck- Really?-" his mind is spewing- sputtering with thoughts now- trying to keep himself protected- his beyond irritated at this point- "I don't care if you see me as some asshole or whatever- your going back, ok?" he shrugs his shoulders heavily- "...but at least you can't fuck me over- Ki- I'm not fucking stupid." he bites out, then growls dangerously- gritting his teeth. "Sarah may have dragged Topper around like a fucking dog- but I'm not about to let you do that... I'm not sure if you haven't realized this yet- I'll never be as fucking stupid as he was- I'm not some stupid kook you can play around with- alright?- ready to be fucked over... by you and some stupid friends just because I'm starting to really like y-" he stops himself abruptly before he can finish his sentence...

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