11- That means you can all fit!

Start from the beginning

“No train smash.”

Alex stepped closer towards her putting his hand in the small of her back.  “Guys; this is Cassy; my mate.”

They spent another two or three minutes staring at each other until Alex cleared his throat uncomfortably; he could not delay going into the house any longer.  Heavens!  Did they even have something decent to offer her to drink?

“Let’s go inside.”

The boys fell into a line behind Alex and Cassy as they walked towards the front step of the house.  As they got closer Cassy realized that everything around here needed a whole lot more than TLC to get it to even resemble the fine house it used to be.  She sighed; these were boys after all, no way that they would be able to keep this huge place running.  She was definitely not going to be scoring any brownie points with the boys.  They are going to be working their sexy little buts off!

The state of the porch, entrance hall and what appeared to be an informal lounge area confirmed her suspicions.  She sighed internally after a quick glimpse at Alex.  He seemed relieved; that can only mean that it could have been a whole lot worse!  Oh well, she would have been keeping herself busy back home.  Busy was busy, the dirt ratio might be a lot worse; but then, that was life for you.  By the time she was finished with them she will be able to impress their mates with how she got them housebroken.

“I recon there will be some beer in the fridge guys?”  She watched their astounded expressions turn hopeful.  Hopeful that they were going to get of easy?  Not bloody likely!  She gave them her megawatt smile.

They practically fell over each other to get through the kitchen door.

Alex stared after them, then stared at her from the corner of his eye; he had a sneaky suspicion Cassy was just softening them up.  He watched as she walked towards the window and gently touched the yellowing lace curtains.

“These were hand made; did you know that?”  She asked, not really expecting a reply.

“No, I did not.”

A ruckus at the door announced the arrival of the boys, and one of them stepped forward triumphantly, handing her an ice cold beer.

“Thank you Dennis.”

“Sure, no prob.”  He answered casually, trying his best to hide the smile that was threatening to split his round face in two.

They all watched as she twisted the top off of the bottle and lift it in salute.  “Cheers fellows.”

After she had downed almost all of it in one long gulp, she wiped her mouth with the back of her hand.

“Do I even want to know what the kitchen looks like?”  She asked this so pleasantly that it took them a while to realize that it held a generous measure of reprimand.

They looked at each other for help.  The kitchen is a place were dirty dishes are kept; she was aware of this fact wasn’t she?

“Well,” Ethan volunteered eagerly.  “It is huge!”

“Great!”  Cassy sounded so enthusiastic that they all smiled in relief.  “That means you can all fit in there to clean it up then.”

Four hours later Cassy could see the floor, the cupboards and the island counter.  She had to open up the back of the truck and look for the boxes that had her kitchen supplies in.  Surprisingly there were no clean kitchen towels in the house.  And no dish wash liquid either.  The walls were washed, but in need of at least two coats of paint; but that had to wait until she had actually seen the rest of the house.  The cupboards were practically bare, she felt like she had stepped into Old Mrs. Hubbard’s world. 

Seven mates for seven brothersWhere stories live. Discover now