Chapter 29

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Three days later, the first enemy struck.

Klaus was already in the worst mood possible given Freya had resurrected Finn and he was having to stay at the Compound while they figured out where he would build a home.

"Don't engage if you don't want to," Yara reminded him gently when he nearly broke a bottle of whiskey just watching Freya and Finn eat in the dining room. "He'll be gone soon enough."

"It's horrid enough having to be cooped up here," said Klaus sourly. "His presence only exacerbates the issue."

Yara was looking for the right moment to talk to Finn, hoping they could part without hatred toward each other. She wouldn't say she hated Finn but she definitely didn't like him, and she knew he felt the same way about her.

"Good afternoon," said Yara while Klaus watched Hope, pushing a bowl of feijoada to him. He only stared at it. "It's a Brazilian dish... black beans, pork, tomatoes, cabbage, carrots–?"

"Thank you," he said grudgingly, taking a spoon and beginning to eat. "Freya was telling me about what ended up happening."

"Yes. That demon child you loathed persevered and she's actually quite cute. I wouldn't be opposed to you meeting her if you wanted to."

He stared at his spoon. "You were right. Anything and anyone could be killed. You all defeated Dahlia. And what was it you said–? 'Anyone who comes for my children will wish for the mercy of hell and the devil. Anything will be preferable to what I do.' Freya claims that Dahlia was hardly recognizable by the time you were done with her."

She shrugged. "I make good on my threats. The ones I made towards you, however, I dismiss, provided you're no longer a threat to my daughter. I do wish to apologize for being rude. I was upset with you and the situation and perhaps I could have been a bit more understanding of your perspective."

"You're... apologizing?"

"Yes. I will always do anything I can to keep my daughter safe. That, I will not say sorry for. But my behavior could have been different, could have been better. I didn't need to approach the situation with aggression. I ought to have remained patient."

"Oh. I suppose... I ought to apologize for the threat against your daughter. I was afraid. As I told you, my mother filled my head with the terror of what would happen to all of us if that child lived. I admit, I didn't have faith that my brother would manage to stop Dahlia. I was sure we would all perish, sure that my fate would always be linked to them and their mistakes, their impulsive decisions and inability to empathize. You were right, it has been said that I was the most moral of my siblings but I did not behave morally with you. You were right to say that when we spoke, you didn't see a moral man, but a coward. I have no love for my siblings and I don't wish to remain here any longer than I have to. But I can apologize to you, Yara Lopes, for the way I responded to your questions."

She offered him a smile. "Thank you. Wherever it is you go after this, I wish you well. And if you'd ever like to visit... you know where to find us."

Klaus made no effort to talk to Finn even when he saw him asking Yara about her life, the few details everyone in the family already knew except for him. He sulked and made faces, then one morning, began to rip things out of his safe.

"Are you alright?" said Yara, unsure what he was doing with a stack of old letters that she didn't recall seeing there before. "Are those the–?"

"Yes," he said, making so much noise that Freya and Elijah came to investigate. "The letters of my victims."

Freya looked at Yara in a way that suggested her brother suddenly reminded her of someone straight out of Criminal Minds. "You collect trophies from all your victims?"

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