Chapter 13

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Already, the witches were being a pain.

"See, and now they want a party," said Yara distastefully as she flung their invitation for La Fête des Bénêdictions off the balcony. "They're hilarious if they think I'm going to go offer them a present in exchange for a blessing. Davina's told me all about that lot, they're being awful to her. This is hypocritical."

"Then I suppose we ought to return to planning," said Klaus, watching as she leaned over the couch to flick the letter into oblivion. "The very fact you react like this gives me great pleasure because I imagine the others are replying to Elijah in a similar manner."

Yara let out a cough that sounded like the words 'pompous ass.' "Fine. What's this idea you had for the wolves?" She turned on her side, laying herself back down to watch as he painted yet another skyline for Hope's room. "What is this big favor we can do for them to secure an alliance? And be quick about it, I have coffee with Marcel later."

"Moonlight rings," he said, brushing over the dark water. "Like daylight rings, but for werewolves. To prevent them from having to turn each full moon, to grant them full access to their abilities. They will be in their human forms permanently. A nice change after the torment they endured for twenty years."

"Clever. They'll definitely be our allies after that. Now, my turn." She made a small drumroll on her belly, which caused him to roll his eyes and accidentally cause one of the water lines to invade the docks. "We get the witches to heal Father Kieran. Get Francesca out, keep an O'Connell in."

"And how, pray tell, are you going to accomplish this by not attending the Fête des Bénêdictions?"

"Easy, I wasn't planning to be the one to ask. They don't like me. I was hoping you could do it, on behalf of Marcel asking for Cami."

"Ah, and you assume I will attend Fête des Bénêdictions."

"You have to, Elijah will make you."

"He will make you, too."

"All I have to do is complain I'm not feeling up to it. The baby bump will get me out of it."

"I don't wish to go to that wretched event. And you are quite bold to assume I can ask for anything in the nice way you expect while paraded around in a crowd of individuals I despise and would rather see put on a spike."

"Then you can ask the witches personally if it's easier. One on one and gently. To settle the score after what they did to you and Rebekah. They didn't apologize for it and the peace just got shoved in all our faces. If they want us to stop being suspicious of them and start respecting their traditions, they'll indulge this one small wish to benefit a pillar of the community!"

"If I propose this to Genevieve, she will ask for something in return."

"So give into her demands. Not fully, though. A little trick should be enough. So that they heal him and then Cami can have him leave New Orleans before they realize they've been bamboozled."

He snorted. "I will speak to Genevieve, but I make no promises."

Marcel, who she saw in the afternoon for way too many rounds of matcha lattes, seemed to think the witches weren't going to be making promises either.

"Like it or not, the witches benefit from Francesca being in power," said Marcel. "That lady won't monitor anything they do, she'll just give out money and poker chips until the fountain stops flowing. And the witches don't like Father K; this much we know. Haven't since he interfered with the ritual. This is their eye for an eye."

"Oh, for fuck's sake, they already killed his nephew, they need more?!"

He shrugged. "The way of the covens, as you well remember."

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