Chapter 27

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Aurora was gone.

"Oi!" said Kol angrily when Klaus started to complain. "You try doing a complex spell to trick the entire Strix order and tell me how easy it is to monitor a prisoner! We were going to have to do something to keep Yara alive during what could have become a brutal fight, wouldn't you prefer we focus on that? We'll find Aurora again."

"We think it was Lucien who broke her out," said Freya. "We couldn't have stopped him. He has access to the kind of dark objects that would've been needed to break the spell that contained her."

"Let it be," said Yara, massaging Klaus's shoulder. "They're the reason we were even successful. It's not over yet. Aya will likely take over The Strix, won't she?"

Elijah nodded. "Yes, that is the likeliest outcome. This may be the perfect opportunity for Marcellus to enter the inner circle, though I suspect he's practically already there."

Yara frowned, but she knew he was right. "Maybe Aya will be more reasonable than Tristan. I've heard many things about her, not all good, but if there's one thing she understands, it's loyalty to this organization. She doesn't have a brother or sister she is going to put at a higher priority. Maybe with her we can strike an agreement. The Serratura is off the table. The weapon that needs to be found now is the apparent other piece of white oak."

"Speak of the devil, and she will come," muttered Elijah, holding up his phone and answering. "I sincerely hope you're calling from somewhere far, far away."

"I think we both know I won't leave until this prophecy is averted," said Aya on the other line. "Somewhere out there is an elusive weapon capable of killing an Original. I'm calling to suggest we pool our efforts to find it."

"I don't play well with others."

"Lucien's witch Alexis left her clues in a rather cryptic puzzle. What if I told you I had the means to put it together?"

Elijah had that handled. Yara and Klaus had tried to find Aurora by searching Lucien's penthouse first, but they found it empty; he'd taken all of his belongings with him, having expected they'd pursue. The only thing that remained were boxes of dark objects that he must have seized from Cami. They carried them back to her, which seemed to bring a smile to her face.

"Where's Kol?" asked Yara when they returned and found the youngest brother wasn't home.

"He went to find Davina," said Freya. "Josh and Aiden heard that The Strix Coven was attempting to recruit her. He said he would put a stop to it."

"That's concerning. Why would they want to recruit her? Didn't she just get shunned? Doesn't that mean she has no power?"

"She has some power. Magnified if she were to join The Strix Coven. I don't wish to sound rude but what is it about her and not any other witch in the French Quarter?"

"I really hope that Kol can find out."

"If anyone can, it would be him. Elijah!" She acknowledged her brother, "You're back."

"I am," he said, a puzzled look on his face. "One of The Strix witches, she had a new prophecy. She told me something about an unending darkness, a lone figure, a pale horse, a flame that would burn us all..." he walked toward the bookshelf, beginning to take books at random and open them to specific pages, "I thought the pale horse might be something Biblical, or even tied to one of the equestrian constellations. There's Pegasus, perhaps even Equuleus."

Klaus stared at him like he was crazy. "Neither of those sounds like a weapon, unless they plan to bore us to death. You know, it would be nice if, just once, the witches bloody well said what they mean."

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