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Later that day, Mumbo went out for groceries as there was nowhere near enough food for four mouths in the fridge. Seeing as the government was on the hunt for hybrids amongst its people, it was a risky trip. If he got in trouble, there would be no way any of the three boys would be able to know until it was too late.

That being said, Dream took the role of babysitter whilst the man was out. He didn't trust humans but Mumbo had saved Tubbo when he was bleeding out and he was also harboring the kid from the news broadcast; hell, Mumbo had even patched him up, when he didn't have to. Dream's wounds had stopped bleeding hours ago, before he'd arrived at the house. However, the possibility that he was simply waiting for the right opportunity to hand them all in was still there. The police force would give a nice amount of money for any tips on their tip line and even more for anyone who apprehended a hybrid.

At least, he could trust the dog. Kubo was a good boy, sniffing and licking at Dream's fingers in greeting before doing the same to Tubbo. His brother laughed when the dog jumped in his lap and sat on him.

"So, what's your relationship with Mumbo?" Dream asked Tommy, trying to keep his nervousness from showing in his voice. After Mumbo had left, they had situated themselves in the living room; the one room with multiple exits and an open view of the street. They could have a heads up if something was happening outside and that would give them time to leave unnoticed.

"Well- Uh, he's a friend of my uncle's." Tommy answered, dropping the conversation he and Tubbo were having. Dream didn't care about what they were discussing; there were greater matters at hand. He trusted Tubbo to not say too much.

"Your uncle?"


However, there were no avian traits showing on Tommy's body. No wings, no talons, no tail feathers, no dusting of down on his face. He didn't even have sharp teeth to indicate that he was a hybrid. By the age of four, he should have had grown one of those characteristics if not all of them. Perhaps, he was unlucky (or lucky) and the hybrid gene hadn't been passed on to him... or the government had it all wrong and he was completely human.

Dream grunted a response and moved to the other edge of the couch, closer to the window. Behind him, the two boys continued their conversation about... something; he wasn't paying attention. From his spot, he couldn't see much other than the facade of the opposite house and an old car that was parked in its driveway. Carefully, he stood up, grunting with the effort.

"Dream!" Tubbo shouted with worry and Dream pretended that his stitches weren't pulling at his skin as if to agree with his brother that he shouldn't be moving. Tommy also piped up.

"Come on, man, you shouldn't be moving like that-"

"You'll tear your stitches, idiot!"

Hands grabbed onto his forearm, pulling him away from the window. Dream didn't budge, only shooting Tubbo a warning glance to back off. His brother, being stubborn, only huffed and sent the glare right back at him.

"They won't tear if you stop jostling me."

"They will if you don't stop fucking moving!"

Regardless, Tubbo relented, flopping back on the couch with a sour frown on his face. Dream didn't pay it more mind than he had to, catching Tommy's lost gaze instead.

"So, where were you two going?" the boy asked, curious. Dream raised an eyebrow. "Tubbo mentioned you two were going somewhere safe. Where?"

That... could be a trap. Tommy, for all that he claimed to be –for what the higher ups claimed he was– he looked too human; too much of a threat. Words are as dangerous a weapon as a knife and, well, he couldn't give him such power. The least people that knew of their whereabouts, the better.

My Uncle, Grian.Where stories live. Discover now