Chapter 6

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I told my brother about what I saw and he had soon connected the dots as to why I zoned out when he was talking about Rosita and why I left almost immediately when I found out that Rosita was here. He was kind of scared for me since it wasn’t the first time I'd had an experience like this. I had one in the ward too, they're not fun at all. I used to end up in a panic attack for the first two months it happened. But, after those two months that they had happened I got used to it and wasn’t as affected by them anymore now i usually just cry a little unless i’m having an extremely bad day. “Sometimes I have nightmares about her too,” I said in a low and shaky voice. “About when I found her lying there on the floor…throat slit.” I said in a sad and eerie tone. “Shit dude.” my brother replied after i told him. "It’s ok if you don’t know what to say, trust me I wouldn’t know either if someone told me they saw a dead body." I said kinda chuckling at the end. My brother cleared his throat and went to get breakfast so I was left alone for a bit. I sat there with the dim lighting of the sun casting in through the window behind the deep sea blue curtains. I was snapped out of a trance when I got a call from the town mechanic who told me that my car was ready to be picked up. I had to wait for my brother to get back since it was a good twenty to thirty minute walk there so i waited for about an hour bored as hell when he finally got back. "Hey bro sorry it took so long I swear the person in front of me was ordering for the damn government." He said with a chuckle. "Really now, well my car is ready to be picked up from the mechanic. Could you give me a ride?" I asked. "Sure man come on." He said while we got in his car he has a Dodge Challenger SRT8 but oh his reaction when he saw my baby. "There she is." I said. "Oh the SUV heh i knew you were old." He replied laughing. "Hell no that." I said pointing to the black and orange 1970 Plymouth Road Runner Superbird. "Holy shit. You own that?" He asked me with his mouth wide. "Yep, that's my Athena." Athena was the Greek goddess of beauty. We both headed home but stopped to get food on the way. "Hey bro, where do you wanna go to get food?" My brother asked as he called me. "Uhm I'm not sure pick somewhere and I'll just follow ya." I replied. "Ok i got ya." He said hanging up the phone and pulling into Olive Garden, one of my favorite places from when I was a kid.  "I'm surprised he remembered." I said to myself while pulling in to park next to him. After we ate we headed back home. When we got home I had headed upstairs. I was hella tired so I layed down and just sat there, in pure darkness besides a candle on my nightstand that had a good sized mirror with it so it was one of those mirror/dresser things. Eventually I fell asleep. I got up to take a piss and when I got back I saw a figure behind me. I realized it was Rosa I wanted to move but I physically couldn’t. Then, in the mirror I had to witness my wife die again and again. Then I blinked and I was the one holding the blade that slit her throat. Hot tears streamed down my face as I dropped to my knees, her dead cold body in my arms. Then, she just disappeared. I went to go tell my brother and surprisingly he was still up watching tv. After I told him he asked if I wanted to sleep in his room that way I wasn't alone. Just a little psa the hallucinations don’t happen when I’m not alone they usually don’t at least. Well, they still happen but they aren’t as bad and don’t feel as real. I bunked with my brother for the night. That way i could get some sleep but even though the hallucinations stop somewhat the dreams never stop. As much as i try and i try to not think about her it’s like a spirit is taunting me making me think about what i saw the last memory of her has been stuck in my head since i found her. My poor girl… not a day goes by where i don’t think about her. But, moving on from that, when me and my brother woke up we went out to eat at Denny’s even though i woke up at around two pm since i haven’t gotten a good night's sleep in a long while. He let me sleep knowing how stressed I was. “Hey bro, i have an appointment with my physiatrist tomorrow so i’ll be gone for a while i leave kinda early at about ten tomorrow ok.” I told him before we went to bed “yeah sure man whatever ya need i can get up with ya if ya want.” he replied kinda low since he was tired. “Nah you're alright man you get some sleep alright.” I said. “Thank you bro I love you man.” he replied. “I love you too bro get some sleep i’ll be to bed in a few.” I said walking out of the room down to the kitchen. I was kinda hungry so I got myself something to eat. Then, I went to bed.

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