Chapter 4

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It’s Halloween night. Me, Dean, and Alastor are all hanging out when we start to wander off into the woods. We brought alcohol, some weed, flashlights, lighters, and we all had a knife with us for protection. We were all high and partially drunk so we were dumb. We stumbled across The Glass House. “Holy shit man no one’s been able to find where this was and we just found it!” Dean exclaimed. “Hey Rosa I bet you won’t go in there.” Alastor said. “Really you don’t think I won’t. I’m not a pussy.” I replied. “Do it then,” he said. I grabbed a flashlight from the bag and took a hit of the blunt then started walking up to the door  “Holy shit what am I thinking.” I thought while standing on the porch of The Glass House. I took a deep breath and opened the door very slowly… I let out a gasp then a single tear rolled down my cheek as I dropped my flashlight. “What do you see in there Rosa!” Alastor yelled from outside. I struggled to form words out of my mouth and just stood there without making a peep. I collapsed on the floor silently crying. Dean ran inside all he saw was his reflection in the mirrors that surrounded the house then he looked down and saw Rosa on the other side of one of the mirrors. Then he saw El Diablo behind her. “Rosa watch out!” but it had got her. He ran deeper into the house but before he could find her he saw a door that looked like his childhood door. He was attracted to it. He went to touch the handle but the handle was so hot his skin stuck to the handle. He screamed in pain while taking his hand from the door watching as his skin stretched and melted from the scolding heat. He took off his shirt and tied it around his hand tightly. “Fucking hell man.” he said to himself. Rosa had been sucked into the mirror but the room didn’t look normal. It was her bedroom, the same bedroom she had almost been killed in. She walked into the dark hallway and she saw her parents bedroom. She gulped as she gripped the handle. She walked in and saw her dad shoot her mom. Then he went to her bedroom and tried to kill her but gave her a bad scar on her back instead. If it wasn’t for the neighbor hearing the gunshots she would be dead. Rosa quickly dropped to the ground and cried her heart out. Dean heard screaming and crying and then a loud CRASH he ran to where the sound was coming from and saw Rosa on the ground with blood coming from her head with a bat being dragged in the darkness. He wasn’t worried about who had hurt her, he was worried about her. He wrapped his shirt around her head and carried her bridal style while trying to figure a way out of there. He was only focused on getting her out of there; he was so distracted he didn’t even notice the thing in the shadows following them getting closer and closer. “It seemed like hours I was walking around with my wife in my arms.” Dean said to the physiatrist. “Well how long was it actually Dean?” she replied. “I didn't, if i'm being honest all i know is that when we finally got out of there it was dark out.” he said. “Well dean this ends our session today but, i do have one question?” she asked kind of hesitantly. “What is it?” he replied. Then the question she asked neither of them knew that those would be her last words… "Wasn't your wife the girl who killed herself a few yea-" then suddenly she felt something jab her throat. He had a dark glare in his eye as he stuffed his hand through her throat "don't ever speak about my wife.." he said before the guards put him in a straight jacket. He sat there in an empty white room with his straight jacket on when he was suddenly disrupted by a loud knocking on the cell door. Bang bang bang. "Who is it?" He called to the door. "Don't you remember an old friend?" A strange but yet familiar voice called when the door opened. It was Alastor. "What the fuck are you doing here..?" He called with a slightly raspy voice. "Oh how can I not visit one of my old pal's huh?" He said. "I told you that I never wanna see you again..not after what you did to her. Your lucky i don't kill your sorry ass." Dean replied coldly. "Aww come on why so feisty i mean hey you can agree she had a rocking body," he said then leaned down to Dean's ear "almost like she was waiting for me." He finished. "You mother fucker your lucky i don't kill you!" He shouted. "Oh your lucky you don't kill me be lucky i don't kill you like I did to your Rosa." Dean's heart dropped. "What the hell do you mean by that?" He replied, shaking. "Oh poor nieve little Dean doesn't even know suicide from murder," he replied. "Wanna hear about what I did to your precious little wife."

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