chapter 2

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A few hours go by and Sammy comes home “HEY ROSA COME HERE!” Sammy yells from downstairs. “COMING CUZO!” She puts her stuff away and goes downstairs and notices Sammy’s been crying. “What’s up man? What’s wrong?” she asks. “Shit uhm i didn’t think you’d be down here so’s Andrez he got into an accident on his way home from work..” he says while his voice is getting hoarse “WHAT IS HE OK?!” she asks, “He’s in the hospital we're not sure he’ll make it..” he replies with a sour face. She starts crying and hugs her cousin. “I’m sorry lill’s..” he says trying to comfort her “It’ll be ok we got this.” After she calms down she goes to get some food from the fridge. Then, she heads up to her room to get her head straight. She starts cleaning her room with music playing in the background. While she’s cleaning out her mother’s jewelry box she gave her, she found a note with a razor that had dried blood on it. The note said, “Hi sweetie, it’s momma. By the time you're reading this I'll be dead. I just want you to know that I love you so much, never forget that. I know we never got along much because of my addictions. I really wish I could have quit for you..ever since you were little you hated being around me because of my addictions which hurt me so i thought I should drown myself in alcohol or drugs to make myself feel better. But, I had another addiction. I'm glad you never found out until now.. You may be asking yourself why there’s a blade in here. Well honey, mom used to cut herself that way she could feel better and her pain would go away. Mom had some pretty nasty scars and I hope you never use this blade but I wanted to give it to you because it was the blade your father gave me. It was originally attached to a necklace but the chain broke. So I used this as an escape when your father was always gone.. He never knew either. I love you honey and never forget. This is goodbye sweetie.. I love you.
~Dearest, Mom”
I felt a tear roll down my cheek as I read the letter. "My mom was a cutter.." I thought to myself as I picked up the blade I looked at my thighs where my burn marks were from past self harm. I started thinking about doing what she did but I thought to myself "If I get caught I'm fucked" so I put the blade back inside the box along with the letter. A few days have passed and we're gonna have to pull the plug on Andrez tomorrow. I'm not looking forward to this. I'm not allowed inside the room because I gotta be 16 and I'm only fifteen. It’s been five days since Andrez died. His funeral was last Saturday. It's Monday now. It’s hard to stay in the house without him but I think his spirit is with me. Ever since he died I’ve been seeing things out of the corner of my eye and seen things moving around. It's October tomorrow. Me and Sammy started decorating. Maria has been the most affected by Andrez death since him and her have been familia and they were closer than each of them were to any of the rest of the familia. Maria has been in her room all day; she hasn’t eaten or drank anything since his death. I feel bad for the poor girl. I was making food in the kitchen when I heard footsteps behind me. Quickly I turn around and don’t see anyone so I go back to cooking and ignore the noises behind me. Maria quickly runs down the stairs and runs to hug me. “Woah woah hey what’s going on?” I ask her. “Something or someone is in my closet!” she replied terrified. “Wait what?!” I replied as I grabbed my switchblade. “Stay here, don't move.” I said as Maria nodded in fear. I started up the stairs slightly shaking. Once I reached her room I heard nothing but the sound of my heartbeat pumping quickly. I stepped into the room and checked the closet, under the bed, everywhere but there was no sign of anyone or anything of this matter..there was only a faint smell of sulfur and cinnamon.

El Vaso Que Rompió El Diablo Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon