Chapter 3

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It's already October and it feels like mom and dad dying was just yesterday. Maria refuses to sleep in her room after I told her what I smelled. She wasn't big on spirit's, demons, satan, etc or as Dean would say "I don't mess with that ghost shit." Anyways I've been feeling a heavy sensation on my chest and shoulders. It's giving me problems sleeping but hey it gives me more time to get myself situated and start thinking of how life's gonna go on. I lost my parents and my cousin who's next. I'm kind of afraid to know. Today's been off. You know those feelings you get when a days just been off and you feel really jumpy and the day feels suspenseful like there's something waiting for you at the end of any road, alley, sidewalk, etc. Yeah that's how I've been feeling since I woke up. I hate the feeling I haven't had in three years. Maria's been having to bunk with me well she chooses to yeah she's older but she's still a kid inside. Dean came over. I'm pretty sure he has a crush on me because of how he has been acting towards me. He's been calling me dear, love, etc lovey dovey shit. I kinda like him too. He's hot, has short black hair, likes the same music taste as me, and he wears mostly black. He kind of reminds me of a greaser. He's kind of my type and he's cute. Anyways, Dean came over and we hung out in my room and we did some drinking so we were kind of buzzed and started talking about random things when he randomly said "Hey Rosa would you like to go out with me tomorrow around 7pm? I know it's random but you're really beautiful and I was too chicken to ask earlier. I hope this doesn’t ruin our friendship.” I was shocked and didn’t know what to say but I was honest with my answer. “Yes I would love to go out with you. I’ve felt the same for a while now.” You know the saying ‘Drunk actions are sober thoughts’ yeah pretty sure that’s what’s happening here. Moving on to a week after, me and Dean are taking things slow at the moment but hope to get further with our relationship in the future. Anyways it’s been about a week I’ve had a few creepy encounters with spirits which kinda sucks they haven’t been too bad so i just let it pass. Halloween is in three days and I’ve noticed some weird thing going on. For example, yesterday night I was dragged out of my bed but then it was like something protected me from falling. I know it's weird right? It isn’t nothing out of the ordinary though. Another one that happened a few minutes ago is I started to fall asleep and I felt like someone scratched my back I have scratch marks on my back Maria told me while I was getting changed. It was bleeding a little so she helped me clean it up. The worst one so far is kinda bone chilling…This happened two days ago obviously while I was asleep I heard a creak of the floorboards. I woke up because I was confused and I saw Maria in the corner talking to something. “Maria, who are you talking to? It's four in the morning, go back to bed, kid.” I said but she ignored me. So I got up and went to tap on her shoulder when her head spun around and she said “Leave me alone and go back to bed.” it wasn't a creepy voice or anything it was her normal voice which scared me. I ran downstairs to get Sammy but I forgot he worked nights so I was stuck in a house alone with whatever the hell was upstairs. About thirty minutes passed and I decided to go back upstairs. Surprisingly Maria was asleep in her bed by the time I got up there. I don’t know how long she has been asleep and I don't think I wanna know. I stayed awake the rest of the night. Then, I started questioning whether or not I had hallucinated the whole thing or if it was real. What I do know is that whatever the hell was there that night is definitely still here.

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