𝟏𝟒 - 𝑺𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒆𝒆𝒅𝒔 𝒎𝒆... 𝒓𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕?!

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(𝑻𝒉𝒊𝒔 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝒊𝒔 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝑾𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒂𝒎'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽!!)

I lay on my sofa with my legs hanging over the edge, my eyes wide open, stinging and bloodshot, as i gripped a beer bottle in my hand, sipping from it occasionally every seconds. I was a mess, my wife had took the kids and left, my mother had died, and Henry wasn't talking to me. The bastard promised that we would do everything together, and that he wouldn't leave me! But as soon as he finds out I killed a FEW annoying bratty kids, he goes berserk and abandons me! Fuck  him, I might just kill that pussy next.

My mind raced, as thoughts ran in and out of my head constantly, as I tried to fight the urge to sleep. I stared up at the ceiling, and felt myself slowly begin to drift off to sleep, imagining where I would rather be than in this shitty room, feeling sorry for myself...

My eyes closed, and the world around me faded into darkness. I saw a new image paint itself around me, one of a tiny cottage adorned with flowers and ivy vines, laced with wood and painted in a beautiful light cream colour. The sky was perfectly blue, with clouds scattered here and there, it was a truly magnificent scene.

I took a few minutes to admire the gorgeous scenery, and decided to make my way inside. I walked along the gravel, pebble-lined path up to the pale white gate in front of the house, gently pushing it open and closing it behind me like a true gentleman. I walked up to the front door, which was a deep purple colour, my favourite, and went to knock on it, except it opened before I could even touch it. 

I peered inside the homely building in curiosity, my interest piqued at the strange event, with the hairs on the back of my neck standing up. I tried to make out the interior of the house, but it was pitch black, with not a soul seemingly inside. I stood in a stance of which I would be able to run - or fight - if necessary, fists clenched and my knees bent slightly. I waited outside for about 5 minutes, before finally relaxing a tiny bit, still wary of what could be inside, but at the same time having the gut feeling that it was just an empty house with the lights off.

I reassured myself that there was nothing inside, brushed myself off, and began to walk inside, before I was stopped by a medium-height figure in front of me, holding its arms out to me. I instantly acted on instinct, and outstretched my arm, punching the creature in the face with such force that it sent it flying across the room. I heard it smack into the wall loudly, and scramble around on the floor, quickly scuttling along the floor, seemingly grabbing for something. I stepped inside the room, ready to throw another punch of necessary, but then, the lights flicked on, and I was met with the face of whom I had just punched.

I was completely dumbfounded, and shocked when I saw the face of my victim. It was Y/n. She was standing up near the light switch, leaning against the wall with a slight bend in her knee and a large bruise on her face, her nose pouring out blood like a fountain. I gasped, and ran over to her, wrapping my arms around her fragile body and cupping her head in my hand. I pulled her close to me, and placed her head on my chest, placing my own on top of hers. ''Shhh, it's okay Y/n, my darling.'' I reassured her, feeling terrible for my previous act of violence.

Not long after I had embraced her, I felt her squirm in my grip, and bring her knee up to my private area, booting me square in the nuts. I screamed in pain, and instantly let go of her, my hands clutching my crotch. ''God dammit! Y/n, why did you do that?!'' I screamed at her, tears threatening to escape from my eyes, for fuck's sake, this girl has a hard kick. I mean, I love a fiesty and strong woman, but JESUS CHRIST! I may never have kids again!

I looked up at her, red faced and my hair messy, with my hands still clutching my manhood. She stared down at me menacingly, a look of pure rage in her eyes - it honestly made me feel a bit weary. ''I don't need you.'' Y/n spat, clenching her fists and glaring at me. My face shifted from an expression of confusion to one of sadness, and desperation. ''W-what? Y/n, you don't mean that, right?'' I asked her, my voice shaking as tears formed in my eyes. 

💜William Afton Oneshots💜 - fem readerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora