When I Cry (Prequel II) - K. HR x Reader

Start from the beginning

Y/n unnie then stuffed Froggy into their backpack, leaving Froggy's hand out.

"I'll leave Froggy's hand out, so if you get nervous just hold it. Okay?" Unnie whispered and I nodded in response.

- Y/N POV -

The first day of 3rd grade was finally over. I couldn't wait to walk home with Haerin-ei. The only problem was.... I couldn't find her.

I was walking towards the front gate of the schools when I suddenly heard someone whining or something on the side of the building.

I peeked over to see what was going on and it was Haerin-ah with a boy.

"Isn't that our new neighbor?" I whispered to myself.

Haerin was talking with Woonhak, the new boy who lived next door to us.

"I told you no. I don't like you!" Haerin began to sob as she appeared to be rejecting Woonhak.

"But I like you. You're really cute!" Woonhak whined back at her.

"No. I don't care if you like me. Just get away from me and stop asking me!" Haerin began to sob louder.

"But the other day on the playground in our neighborhood... you were so fun amd friendly with me!" Woonhak began to yell in frustration.

I walked over to stop whatever it is that was going on.

"Haerin-ah, come on. Let's go home!" I exclaimed as I approached the pair.

"Who's this?" Woonhak asked.

"She's my older sister!" Haerin yelled in annoyance before walking up behind me and holding onto my arm.

"Can I ask who you are? I didn't ever gave you permission to make my little sister cry," I angrily stepped up to Woonhak.

"Ooh- I-I-I well... I wanted to ask Haerin to be my girlfriend. We met at the playground the other day and I-," The boy tried to explain himself but I didn't care.

"I didn't ask you that. Besides, I don't want Haerin dating someone I don't approve of," I angrily interjected.

At times, when someone hurt Haerin, I did get very angry or became rude.... but I didn't care. I wanted everyone to know not to mess with Haerin.

"Well- Who's someone you would approve?" Woonhak asked a bit scared.

"No one... cus she's mine," I angrily answered him before dragging Haerin away from him.

"You didn't have to be so mean to him. He's new to the school," Haerin sniffled.

I shook my head a bit upset at her but I couldn't say mad when I noticed snot rolling down her nose.

I grabbed the sleeve of my uniform and cleaned her face for her.

"I don't want you dating someone like him," I told her as I wiped away her tears too.

"Then what kind of person should I date?" Haerin sniffled a bit with a cute smile.

"Someone like me," I teased her.

Suddenly, Haerin-ah turned completely red and took a step back from. "Y-you?" She stuttered.

"I- I- Mean... no. You know. You can date whoever you want! I mean we're only in 3rd grade. You- I-.... let's just go home!" I nervously spoke.

To be honest, Haerin is my first crush.

Ever since first grade..... my heart always races around her and I get really nervous and excited at the same time.

But both my Mom and Mrs. Kang have told me to act like an older sister for Haerin. To take care of her as if she was my actual little sister.

So, even though I like Haerin-ah.... I can't like her. She's supposed to be a little sister to me.

"Hello? Earth to Y/n unnie?!" Haerin waved her hand in my face.

Whenever I realized I liked Haerin... I would zone out. It was a hard thing to think about.

"Let's go home. I'm hungry!" Haerin suddenly grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the front gates of the school.






Author's Note: Can't decide if I should continue this little story or not.... >.<

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