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It had been two months since Tash last spoke to Luke. She occasionally saw him in the hallways at school but she would just turn the other way and ignore him. Also, Tash stopped talking to Valerie. Valerie had gotten into a fight with Tash about something stupid but it really turned their friendship around. Valerie also got an abortion.

Now, Tash was drinking her mind away at a bar. She was beyond drunk. She couldn't see straight nor walk straight.

When Tash asked for another drink from the bartender, he simply told her to go home. So, thats what she did.

She stumbled out of the bar and made her way to her car. As she got in, she put in one of her CDs, as usual.

Tash couldn't see where she was going and she was too busy singing horribly to her loud music to notice the truck beeping and flashing lights right in front of her.

Her car slammed into the truck and her vision went black.

While all this happened, Luke went back to his old ways and was sleeping with some random girl.

When he and the girl finished their business, Luke told the girl to leave his house so he could be alone.

Luke laid on his bed for about an hour and a half staring at the ceiling when his phone began to ring.

'Why would anyone call me at this time?' He thought.

He got up from his bed and answered his phone.

"Hello?" He said into the receiver.

"Yo, Luke, you might want to get down to the hospital ASAP." Michael rushed.

"What? Why? What's happened?" Luke questioned.

"Just come quick." Michael urged.

Luke hung up the phone, got dressed and headed to the hospital.

When Luke got the hospital he was greeted by his three best friends with worried faces.

"What happened? Why is everyone here?" Luke grew frustrated with no one telling him anything.

"It's Tash..." Ashton whispered.

Luke's face fell and his mood turned into a sad one. "What happened to Tash?"

"She was out drinking and when -we guess- she was driving on the highway, she drove into a huge truck." Michael explained.

"But-but, she's okay right? She's alive and breathing, right? She's just asleep on one of those hospital beds dreaming about meeting Gerard Way, right?" Luke cried.

The three boys looked at him, feeling sorry for him and not knowing how to tell him the news.

Calum shook his head to all of Luke's questions and that made Luke yell. Luke fell to the floor and cried into his arms. Ashton placed his on Luke's back, but Luke only swatted his hand away.

"Can I see her?" He whispered. The boys nodded and showed him the way to where Tash was.

They slowly opened the door for Luke and let him be by himself for a while.

Luke walked over to Tash's lifeless body and stared at her, a few tears rolling down his cheeks.

"I'm so so sorry, Tash." He whispered. "I love you so much."

A/N: That's it guys!!!! This is the end! I really hope you enjoyed this story :). I'll probably be uploading an epilogue later today :DDDD

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