No. 12 Chapter 4

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Tristan woke up to the heavy weaving of the ship plowing through the waves of the North Sea. At first he thought it was his hangover that caused his world to be shaking until he realized it was in fact the ship of the Northern Parliament that was shaking. Realizing he was still wearing the weird mix of Northern Parliament and Iron Blood naval attire he recalled that when he and Hutten had returned into the ship they both had seen that Eugen was gone and the two decided to go to their respective bunkrooms as well. He had followed Hutten to her room and had said his goodbyes before entering his and Eugens place. With a wide grin forming on his tired and still somewhat sleep drunken face he recalled the sight he had beheld when he had entered. Eugen had crawled up into the upper of the two bunk beds and had fallen asleep after taking off her shoes. Her legs were still dangling down the ladder as she had apparently leaned backwards and fallen asleep in her tipsy state. Something he had learned was more common with her, at least the issue of not fully managing to get into her bed when drunk. The way she had fallen asleep looked hilarious to his then drunk past. But he could also not help her out of the situation she was in without waking her. Instead he had laid his warm coat over her as a blanket, since she was laying on hers, before he himself went to bed after drinking a good amount of water.

Speaking of which he realized said liquid needed to be taken care of. After cleaning himself up Tristan returned from the communal shower and bathroom dressed in some of his clothing he was provided with by Eugen. He felt far better finally wearing trousers and other proper clothing than a jumpsuit or odd fitting tight parade trousers. Heading over in the relatively small room he wanted to make his bed as he realized that his cruiser friend was still laying in her bed. By now properly and no longer with her legs hanging out over the fall protection. Looking at her for a moment Tristan was once again caught in the moment as he admired his friend. Back years ago, when he was first assigned to her he had to fight hard not to stare at her and her beauty. Yet it was still this fine cut face of hers resting in slumber, framed in her fine silver hair with that red strain that made him admire her again and again.
Seeing his friend stir as a door outside on the hallway fell loudly into its lock, almost gave him a heart attack as he quickly bent down to his bunk to make his sheets to hide his embarrassment of his unintentional staring.
"Are you up already?" Tristan heard Eugen ask him as she yawned and moved in her bunk above him. "Good morning." He greeted her back. "I am and just finishing up making my bed." He informed her. "How was your night?" The cruiser's friend added as he tried to make conversation. Jumping out of her bunk Eugen landed on her feet and looked out of the porthole as she seemed to think about an answer. "It was alright. I slept quite well thanks to all the good stuff we enjoyed before." Eugen smirked as she turned away from the gray waves she could see through the window towards her locker. "Did you eat already?" She asked while brushing the wrinkles out of her clothes. "I haven't yet." Tristan answered her as he finished up making his bed. "Do you want to go together?" He asked her in return while he started to sort his worn clothes out to perhaps get them washed later on. "That would be enjoyable. I could go for a good coffee." Eugen agreed as she stroked the last wrinkles out of the arms of her jumper. "Alright." Tristan agreed as he suppressed a yawn, realizing he was in need of a good coffee as well. "That sounds rather unenthusiastic." Eugen commented on his agreement. "And I was thinking you would look forward to spending more time with me after taking in my sight just a moment ago." She teased Tristan. Tristan wished he could have vanished into thin air as he tried not to crack his own teeth as his jaw clenched tight in embarrassment as Eugen was clearly amused upon seeing her friend's reaction. "Hey, don't worry about it." She tried to change the awkwardness and embarrassment of the moment she created. "It's okay. I did miss you." Tristan admitted as he tried to swallow his embarrassment and pride. This time it was Eugen that was speechless for a moment, not making the situation more comfortable for either of them. "Should we get going to get breakfast?" Tristan offered awkwardly as he reached for his jacket to get going and somehow escape the uncomfortable situation both of them had managed to maneuver into. "That sounds good. Head up and save us a space, I will get ready." Eugen agreed and sent her friend off and out as she herself needed a moment to collect her thoughts and get herself presentable.

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