No. 10 Chapter 9

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"What are you two doing here?" He asked both of his friends as he embraced them both in one arm each in his delight to see them.Wrapping his damaged limb around the high waists of the two as he could not reach Ulrichs shoulder, given her height and that of Prinz Eugen because of his injury. "We are here to visit you obviously." Ulrich von Hutten answered him as she rolled her eyes to pretend that she was not comfortable with the affection. Prinz Eugen instead returned the hug as she slung her arms around his shoulders and ribs. "It's good to see you again." She answered. "How are you two doing? Was the trip alright?" He asked them excitedly after letting go of the two. "It was alright." Hutten answered "But we are actually here because we wanted to talk to you." Eugen added with a slight grin. Their friend stopped in his tracks as he let go of them. "Ohh." He expressed his surprise. "Well thank you for the honesty." He answered as he already guessed the probable cause for their intention to talk. "Don't worry." The cruiser assured him. "That is the reason why we came here, to talk to you, not act on your behalf." Eugen assured him further. "Or would you rather the chain dogs showing up to bring you back after others decided over you once more?" Hutten added with a dark, yet amused chuckle. "I would rather not." He admitted. "But how about we go back into the building? It's rather cold here." He offered the two to go inside.
"How have you been doing anyways? Could the doctors here help you?" Eugen asked her friend as they turned and walked towards the hospital building. "Yes, they taught me possibilities to train my arm to get more use out of it again." He smiled. "Mostly just training to regain muscles and agility." He added with a slightly hopeful smile. "That doesn't sound half bad if you adhere to their counsel." Ulrich von Hutten agreed. "But rather more important than that is the question how you are." She added. "We have not talked since Kiel and there was some doubt back then and certainly for your future now." The battleship added and therefore asked how he had come to terms with things and himself.
The former engineer stopped as he thought about that question for a moment, gaining the absolute attention of both of his friends. "To be honest." He started before making a pause to seemingly find the right words. "I think I have come to find new outlooks on things if not a concrete plan for the future yet." He admitted. Ulrich von Hutten's citrine eyes looked down at the blue eyes of her friend, searching for a seemingly deeper truth before she shrugged. "Well, at least that is a point to start from." She concluded. Prinz Eugen instead nodded and gave her friend a sympathetic look before she started to walk again, reinitiating their progress to their current destination as they all now walked into the hospital wing and the bedroom of their friend.

"So why are you two here exactly?" He asked his two friends. "Is there someone who wants something from me or are you really just here to pay me a visit?" He asked further. "We are here so that issue won't happen." Ulrich von Hutten stated their reason for being here. "We, your godfather and your friends have thought a lot about you and your future and plenty of them have found opportunities for you in how they want to help you. If you like to pick them up on their offer." Eugen added and hoped to not upset her friend by making potential plans the other had for him opportunities for him to indulge. "But we are more so here to check in on your wellbeing and if you want to come back home with us." She added more cheerfully while Ulrich gave a thoughtful nod to what the cruiser said. Looking at both of his friends and at his limp arm, he thought about what they had told him and the opportunities that might open themselves up to him through his friends. The fact that they showed up and apparently cared so much for him to come and check up on him across two countries. The question of what he was supposed to do was not one he had to think about long.

Just about after a week of travels and relaxing he was back home enjoying the company of his friends. Eugen and Hipper both welcomed him back into his home while he offered Ulrich von Hutten to stay as well. The battleship declined but decided to stay in Wesermünde until the others arrived. He knew that things were changing ever since he had chosen to come back home with the two ships, but he had no idea what was going to happen since both declined to tell him what the others had in store. All he knew from Eugen was that his friends wanted to help him and get him set for the future. She did not tell him more since she wouldn't want to influence his decisions on her behalf. And yet it was her and Ulrich that convinced him to come home early. He was not sure how to feel about it all. He was flattered that they all cared for him so much. On the other hand he was not comfortable with the idea of them all making plans for him they would want him to participate in.
"Are you alright?" Eugen asked him as she sat down next to him on the sofa. Looking up from the book he was holding he smiled at her. "Yes, as always just thinking over things." He smiled. "Are you thinking about the future?" She guessed, being right on the spot. He nodded. "Yes, I did." He answered her honestly. "Don't worry about it. Your friends have gone through a lot to offer help and opportunities to you." She smiled. "I know but the idea of having plans pre arranged for me feels weird." He admitted. "I know what you mean, but don't worry, after all you can decide whom to take up on their offered help and to what extent." Eugen reassured him. "Seeing you so timid and insecure is something new." She added. Prinz Eugens friend smiled at her. "I know. The future will be an interesting one. Yet mostly I had to make my decisions based on what others had planned ahead, in a setting with clear rules and conclusions. That seems to change." He smiled. "Do you know when Friedrich and my godfather are arriving?" He asked her. "They should be here in about half an hour." She told him, grinning as he saw how excited and unnerved he got as they both got up to set things up to greet the guests.

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