No. 13 New worlds old friends. Chapter 1

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"Do you think it is a valid idea to heed Prinz Eugens request to send for that person?" The Commander asked New Jersey. "He was one of the members of the Iron Blood naval staff that was accused of knowingly and willingly cooperating with the Sirens. He was one of the staff officers directly under the command of Friedrich der Große. The only reason why he did not get put in front of a tribunal was because of the peace we negotiated with Friedrich. And still even in that deal high command of the Azur Lane and especially the Royal Navy demanded he had to retire and be banned from serving in the Iron Bloods navy ever again. As much as I want to believe that his expertise may help our situation here, I doubt that the higher ups would allow such a person like him in our main base. Not to mention contracting him to help us out. He may as well be Dr. Anzeel for all I care. The fact alone that Friedrich chose him as her right hand has my alarm bells ringing." The Commander voiced concern. "I get that and as much as Friedrich has made her lasting impression on me as a shady individual, she has proven to be a trustworthy person in cooperation to reach her and your goals. That she had in mind ever since seeking the alliance with you. Yet I am concerned as well, but the Iron Bloods all vouched for him and seem to hold him in high regard. But then again that man used to be one of their defacto commanders." New Jersey agreed. "And again Eugen demanded and almost pleaded that we send for him." She added with a bit of confusion about the matter. "Eugen pleaded?" The Commander asked, raising an eyebrow. "Well, not really. You know how Eugen is. But her insisting so much on the matter did seem to indicate that she was very serious about it." New Jersey explained.

Hearing what New Jersey added The Commander leaned back into the comfy swivel chair behind the desk. "Perhaps we could arrange for the matter if it is really that important." The Commander mused. "If I recall correctly, that man is supposed to be a genius in understanding Wisdomcube technology. From what I know more or less, our, the Royal Navies and our allies blueprint and awakening technology is based on what the Iron Blood researchers had figured out." The Commander summed up the contents of an intel dossier the size of tome. "Indeed. That is also why Yuubari and with a bit of resistance Akashi agreed that that guy may help her. She admitted herself she knows how things came to be but not why." The blue haired battleships agreed. "Perhaps we could figure out a way to get him here. Meanwhile we could figure out how to keep him here and get it past the higher ups." The Commander finally agreed. "I am sure Friedrich would vouch for him as well as all the other Iron Blood ships here." New Jersey supported her commander's decision. "Perhaps." The Commander agreed. "NJ, can you ask around in between our girls and see what the opinion on that Iron Blood is outside the Iron Blood girls? Perhaps there are some of our girls present that could support Eugens claim about the good character of that former engineer of hers?" The Commander asked the secretary ship. "Don'tcha worry Honey I will ask around and see what I can find out." She smiled her cheerful and at the same time smug smile as she teased her commander before leaving her officer to the mountains of paperwork once again as she got ready to ask around and send orders out to the Iron Bloods naval headquarters.

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