No. 10 Chapter 4

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The journey to Iris was uneventful. Transiting the occupied areas of the country went well and soon enough he departed a troup and transport train in Rennes. He took the time to read through Amagis letter once again next to answering many calls and messages from his friends. He at least explained one and a half dozen times what had happened to him since his unfortunate encounter. From there on he took a troop transport to Saint-Malo, his destination. There he only needed to get to the right pier to travel to the island of Cézembre to visit the garrison there and to get enrolled in the care of the garrison's doctor. But first he had to get onto the island. He was told by one of the soldiers of the coastal artillery that at the old castle there was the ferry moored that supplied the island. Strolling along the Quai de Trichet he enjoyed the warm early autumn sun while he made his way along the large harbor basins. Seeing all the old fishing boats, trawlers and small freighters he was caught and thought about how it must be tactually be on a ship once again. What surprised him even more was the presence of at least two dozen sleek, naval gray and camouflaged boats. Quickly he realized that these were S-Boats of the coastal squadrons. Despite the Shipgirls being the main defense against Sirens, these mad men were there to defend harbors and coastal waters in cooperation with the coastal artillery and other shore defenses. How well they worked against actual Siren attacks he had seen and now remembered when he thought back to the carnage that was the Siren attack on Portsmouth.

All together between his past self and him now a lot had changed. Along what happened two days ago. What happened there between him and Eugen? He was ready to fight for his life when he woke up and saw her dark shape looming above him. He thought he was going to die and yet in his panic when he found Eugen it was her he found to find out of his panic. And it was her that asked him if he trusted her and she tried to be careful with him. He knew she had grown more considerate of him after she herself had hurt him and realized how comparatively fragile he was, but this time she not only made sure to not harm him physically but she asked him and even considered his own will. Something she had seemed to always struggle before.
But there was the matter that he had to consider her words. "Do you trust me?" She had asked him and he needed what must have felt like ages to answer her. As much as she was his dear friend whom he would do almost anything for, he was afraid of her. Or rather of her power and capabilities. He did not fear his friend but what she could do he feared. Shipgirls capabilities he feared more than ever after this one had nearly killed him this time. But he also knew that his friend would not want to hurt him on purpose and instead she had shown him how much she cared for him. He felt like an idiot for not understanding her and making his fears consider her words. In the hand he agreed and told her that he trusted her, but the fact that he had struggled to make that decision made him feel sick.
Looking away from the path just in front of him he admired the beauty of an old ketch while he continued on.
She showed her care to him and yet he did not manage to utter one word of gratitude for her being there for him and being his dear friend. Instead he was only able to enjoy her kindness as he had fallen asleep. A sleep so good and uninterrupted like he had not had for as long as he could recall. Perhaps it truly was—

"Regarde où tu vas, fermier!" Someone yelled before running into his back. He stumbled and struggled for a couple of steps to not lose his bearings and fall over. But he managed to regain his balance. Turning around to see who had run into him, he already regretted doing so. In front of him sat a small girl all clad in white, gold and black. Her snow white hair with one black strain almost covered her sky blue eyes which stared up at him. Her petite and fine face carried a frown of anger and disgust. "Tu ne peux pas faire attention idiot?" She scoffed at him. He understood enough of it to know that she was angry with him and that she insulted him. It took him a bit to cram out his Iris as he began to feel shaky on his legs and fear began to kick in. "Excuse me.. but you ran into me, not ... the other way around." He answered her in her language with a bit of a stutter in part of the fear that crept up in him as well as not having used his iris in years. "What are you talking about? You pleb need get out of the way of a templar knight of Iris. So apologize and get out of my way." The little girl spat out. He already knew that the little girl was a Shipgirl, otherwise the collision with her would not have felt like getting hit by a small car. But the fact that this little beast behaved like a spoiled princess made her a less than pleasant person to be around. "I will certainly do so if you apologize as well." He answered her, his fear mixing with anger as his sense of righteousness was triggered. "You should apologize for running into me and cut your entitled behavior." He countered. "Who do you think you are pleb? To talk back to an Iris knight like this?" She asked infuriated while standing up. The fact that the little ship was not taller than the 12 year old made it hard for him to take her seriously, despite his fear that she could easily break every one of his bones. The addition of her angel like face made even her frown look cute and all together he had to struggle not reveal a smile. "What are you smirking at?" She yelled out. "Do you think I am that dense to not see your disrespect? If you dare to mock me like that I will demand satisfaction." The little girl exclaimed while stomping on the ground with her little black boot. Finally he composed himself and managed to answer the destroyer with a straight face. "I am sorry, it's just the fact that anger is not ... befitting of an appearance like yours." He tried to apologize for angering her further. "There is no need to get physical." He assured her. "It can happen to the best of us and I am sure it was no ill intent of a strong knight like you to run over a poor old cripple." He turned the setting of their encounter around after guessing to have figured out how the destroyer seemed to behave. The sudden change in facial expressions the destroyer went through told him he hit just the right spot. A wave or relief rushed through him and wiped away parts of the fear that was stiffening him. "I ran over not just a pleb but one that is dependent on the benevolence of others?" She asked. "Then I am indeed in the wrong to accuse you. I apologize for having run into a subject and protegee of the Iris Templar knights." The little girl apologized. He smiled on the inside. At least his way of figuring out people had not failed him. "As I said, it was for sure no ill intent and just an accident." He assured her. "I will have to be on my way though." He made his intention of leaving the situation audible. "Yes, it will be for the better if you continue on your way and I on mine." The little girl agreed. "Salute." She ended before hastily walking on along the quay into the same direction he had to go. Leisurely picking up his walk again he thought about the weird encounter while he watched, what he thought to be a destroyer, disappear in the crowd of people walking along the same way they did.

About a quarter of an hour later he arrived at the part of the quay next to the old castle of the little town. There he found a Marinefaehrprahm (Naval flat kiel ferry. A amphibious landing craft and transporter) that was being loaded with all sorts of supplies. "Good morning. Are you guys going to Cézembre island?" He asked one of the crew members in his blue naval uniform in Ironblood. "Good morning. Why do you ask?" Countered the sailor in Ironblood. "I am supposed to get there and receive treatment for my arm from the doctor there." He explained and brought out a transfer paper from the rehabilitation place he was in just days ago. Handing it to the sailor the latter read through it quickly. "Alright, take it up with the skipper." The sailor acknowledged his explanation and pointed him to the open rudder stand on the ferry before handing back the medical papers. Passing the sailor he boarded the ferry that was loaded with ammunition for anti aircraft guns as well as artillery shells next to food, medical supplies and construction material. Passing along the loading and storage area that made up most of the ferry he arrived at the command stand where he found a young ensign in command of the ferry. "Good morning." He greeted the man he guessed to be at best 22 years old. "Good morning. How may I help you?" The ensign greeted back. "I am supposed to in turn myself in the care of the doctor stationed on the Island you are supplying. I wanted to ask if I could get a ride there on your ferry." He answered while handing out his medical papers again. The ensign looked through the papers and whistled through his teeth when he returned them. "Looks like I have a VIP on my boat today." He smiled. "You are welcome to come along, Chief engineer." The ensign addressed him by his old rank. "Thank you very much." He thanked the skipper. "Is there a place I can be where I don't bother the crew?" He asked one last question. "Yes, you can sit down next to the Flak, we don't need her today. So far none of those ugly Siren birds has been spotted by our guys on the radar." The ensign replied. Nodding in confirmation, he left the ensign back to his task at hand of overwatching the loading of his ferry, while he himself made his way to the gun mounted in front of the bridge to sit down there.

He enjoyed watching the small land based crane and the one of the ferry load the last crates on board and into the storage hold. The quick work of the crew to secure them in place before they made ready to leave the port showed how well adjusted and what a routine job it was to them. The large diesel engine roared to full life and soon enough the ferry made her way slowly through the basin towards the locks.

He even more enjoyed the trip out on the sea of the channel and he took in the view. The autumn wind made for a nice set of waves the ferry made her way through. After some time the small outcropping of rocks appeared in sight. Seeing his destination he realized that the island was not much more than a set of rocks with bunkers on its cliffs and an old Hotel in the center of the island. He guessed that this was the place where he would find the doctor to treat him. It took the ferry about an hour to plow her way through the waves and to reach the pier at the island. Disembarking there he showed his medical papers to the coastal artillery officer who was observing the unloading of the ferry. He was redirected to the old Hotel and told that it was used as a rest and recovery place for insured navy personnel. Walking down the pier he made his way along the dirt road that led up to the two single story buildings. They did not look like much but he guessed that they were only the facade to large underground bunkers. Entering the larger of the two buildings that was the accommodations house of the former Hotel, he was greeted by a visibly bored nurse. He got handed a sign-in sheet which he filled out while waiting for a station nurse or doctor to arrive to show him his place. While he waited the door to the house opened and someone else entered. He almost had to chuckle when he saw the petite figure of the Vichiya destroyer that he had a run in with earlier. The latter saw him as well. "What are you doing here?" She explained and gave him a frown that was supposed to show her disgust of his presence, but only made her look adorable to him in her attempt to look angry. "I am here to seek medical treatment and you?" He asked in return. "It's none of your concern." She quickly retorted before walking past him and the reception, down a hallway with many doors leading to different rooms. There she unlocked one of them and entered, slamming the door shut behind her. "Someone has temper issues." He said more to himself than anyone in the room in particular as he continued to wait for his turn to be officially enrolled.

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