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POV: Quackity

"Quackity, wake up"

"mmmm, five more minutes" I say groggily.

"Quackity, we're here."

"Okay, Fine"  I move my head up, get my bag and start to stand up following the tall, British, male out of the bus.

As we step out, I can feel the cold, crisp, Fall morning. I start to wipe my eye, yawning. I can hear the chatter of highschoolers around us. some talking with their friends, some making out, and others walking and dreading the school day in front of them.

I see Wilbur take something out of his bag.

"Here, have some, you look like you need it!" He says smiling. He hands me a regular monster energy, but its those big ones with the caps.

"Oh, thank you, but this is yours" I say trying to hand it back.

"Don't sweat it! You can have some!"

"Are you sure? you've only known me for like 45 minutes, and i was asleep most of the time."

"Yeah, I'm sure. you seem really chill, and nice you know? I consider you my friend. as soon as i saw you i felt like we could be friends" He says smiling, his cheeks grow a little red, but I'm pretty sure its just because it's a little cold out.

"Thanks" I say smiling, I could feel my cheeks warm up a bit, as I unscrewed the top and drank some.

"Of course! the only thing I ask in return is, that you can help me find my classes" The brunette says as he puts his hand and rubs it on his neck.

"You didn't need to bribe me with a monster for that" I say teasing him 

"I know that, You just looked a little tired. i know it's not my place to ask but, did you sleep well last night?"  

"Not really" I reply truthfully

"I went to sleep at ten, then woke up at three, stayed up for two hours, and when back to sleep at six thirty. twenty minutes before I normally wake up." I explain as we walk into the dreaded high school.

"Oh that makes sense, You need to get better sleep."

"Yeah but i stayed up all night studying for the test in social studies next week." I lied through my teeth.

"Oh, speaking of which, could you help me catch up with classes? Most of the time, the teachers have a hard way of explaining stuff." Wilbur says

"Yeah! how does after school on Wednesday work? at your house?" I ask leaning my head to the side.

"That sounds good! As a warning though, I do have two brothers, one is a senior he is an English major, the other is in his last year of middle school, he is super loud but funny."

"Noted" I reply, with a smile

We chat for a little about things we like. then the bell rings and I show him to his first class which is, Science, while I have art, with Slimecicle, aka Slime, aka Charlie. Slime is a bit taller than me, I'd say a few inches, he has light brown hair much shorter than mine, rectangular glasses, and greenish eyes. He wears almost the same outfit all the time, a white shirt that has three red hearts (also random green spots?) as well as cargo shorts.

"QUACKITY!!!!!" Slimecicle runs up to me

"CHARLIE!!!!!" We hug then find our seats

"Soooo how are you?" He asks me

"I'm doing good! There's this boy I met today, he is British, from the sound of it, he has curly Brown hair, round glasses and is really tall, his name is Wilbur, he is really nice!" I say

"oooooooooooo, sounds like some likes this Wilbur guy," He says smirking at me.

"What ever its not Im gonna ask you for dating advice. You and Mariana's relationship is a hot mess." I say teasing him

"Ok, good point-" he pauses "But do you like this Wilbur guy? You were talking about him very... Fondly" Slime lifted his eyebrows up and down. Making me giggle.

Before I can respond the bell rings.

Through out the day, I couldn't get my mind off of the tall brunette. I had a few classes with him, but I found myself just thinking about him,or staring at him. Before I know it the day was over.

When the bus lurched forward, me and Wilbur started talking. His voice was so comforting, and his face was so emotional when he spoke. It felt like I could listen to him for hours. Before I knew it, it was our stop.

"See you tomorrow Big Q!" The handsome brunette yelled walking in the other direction.

"Is that a nickname I hear? Wil?"

""Yeah! And the only people that call me Wil are my younger brother, and dad!"

"Well I guess you better add me on there!" I wink at him.

"What ever you say Q!" Wilbur says and leaves into his house as I come up to mine.

I unlock the door, feed my cat Tiger, and walk upstairs to my room.

I drop my bag, then lay on the fluffy carpet floor. I take out my phone put on my playlist and just replay everything that happened that day. Then I just lay there feeling peaceful. No students yelling or starting fights, no Slime and Marianna arguing, no Cellbit and Roier Flirting, no adults lecturing. Just me laying in the rough but opening carpet, while listening to a stunning voice, that sounds vaguely familiar, like someone sang it to me that day.



anyways see you for the next one. this chapter was a little rushed. Anyone else excited for Gen loss????

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