Tanjiro x Inosuke One-shot

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melodyoffire  like promised!
In this story, they are a bit older even if it doesn't really change anything. I'm just not comfortable using minors in my stories.


Inosuke and Tanjiro came back from a mission, they had to slay a lower ranked demon and Zenitsu had stayed to the butterfly mansion to take care of some injuries. They were in town, enjoying their night off. Both were a bit hurt but nothing too bad. Tanjiro had some bandages wrapped around his left arm and ok his hands while Inosuke had some around his chest. Inosuke quickly got annoyed at the crowd, growling and cussing under his breath as they basically swam though people.

-"Gonpachiro! Why are we here again?!" He asked loudly, whining a bit under his boar mask.
-"It's a festival Inosuke. You wanted to get something to eat remember?" Calmly answered the red head.
-"I meant the forest! Not... this festival thingy!"
-"Fine, we can go in the forest."

Tanjiro looked at his friend, shaking his head desperately even if he had a soft smile on his lips. Inosuke smiled under his mask. He was about to run away but then remembered the crowd and thought that Tanjiro would loose him as he wasn't as fast as him. Of course, no one could beat the almighty Inosuke! So he grabbed Tanjiro's hand and started running, pulling the other behind him. Tanjiro almost fell down at the sudden pull but laughed at it. He felt little butterflies in his stomach as he looked at Inosuke in front of him. They finally exited the town and found themselves in the forest. Inosuke didn't stop yet. He brought Tanjiro to a small cave with lots of bushes around with small wild berries. Inosuke knew which one he could eat. He pushed Tanjiro on the cave and took the berries. He then brought them and sat down. He shared the berries in two. Tanjiro smiled and thanked him before Inosuke took his mask off and they started eating. Tanjiro was eating properly, one berry at the time. Inosuke was... chaotic. He ate like some wild animal, stuffing his mouth and munching quickly, as if he feared someone would steal them. Tanjiro chuckled lightly, making Inosuke glare at him.

-"Whot?" Asked Inosuke, his mouth full.
-"You look cute." Answered Tanjiro, making them both blush.
-"Huh?!" He swallowed. "I'm not cute! I am strong and tough!"
-"That doesn't mean you can't be cute Inosuke."

Tanjiro smiled at him as Inosuke was confused. He didn't like feeling the fluttery thing in his stomach as he looked at Tanjiro. He grumbled something and quickly went back to eating. "I'll have to ask Bonitsu about being cute..." Thought Inosuke. They finished eating and chatted for a bit, mostly Inosuke praising himself and Tanjiro complimenting him. After some time, they decided to head back to the butterfly mansion since Tanjiro had promised to help Aoi with some tasks. As soon as they reached the mansion, Inosuke ran off to find Zenitsu.

-"Monitsu!" He screamed as he barged into his room, making the yellow haired boy jump.
-"What Inosuke? Cant you knock?" Asked Zenitsu, a bit insulted.
-"Uh yea I can. But I have an important question!" He answered as he jumped on the bed and sat down, crossing his legs.
-"What is it?"
-"Wha-? Someone called you cute?! Who??"
-"Heh! Gonpachiro did! Earlier today!"
-"Ah?! Tanjiro?! He did?!"
-"That's what I just said Monitsu!"
-"I-... I wasn't expecting that! Well, usually if someone calls you cute, it means they like you. They'd wanna date you."
-"Gonpachiro would want to date me?"

Thank god he had his mask on or Zenitsu would have seen him blush furiously. He made sure his mask was properly on and then got up, storming out of the room as Zenitsu sighed. He already knew how Tanjiro felt about Inosuke as they had talked about this a few time already. He let out an amused chuckle.

-"These two are definitely made for each other..." He mumbled to himself, earning an approving huff from Nezuko.

Inosuke ran back to his own room, flopping down in his bed as he slid his mask off, his messy hair falling around his face. He quietly thought about what Zenitsu had said. "So, Tanjiro likes me? What does this even mean?" He though as he crossed his arms before letting out an annoyed groan. He hated thinking. He did everything he could to piss off Tanjiro, even messing up his name purposely but he never even looked slightly annoyed at him. Inosuke cursed at Tanjiro and his pretty face, his mind trailing off on a picture of Tanjiro in his head. The way his eyes seemed to soften whenever he was complimenting Inosuke, the way his hands felt whenever they'd touch his bare skin or the way his voice sounded when saying his name. Before he could even notice it, he was wondering how it would feel to kiss Tanjiro or how amazing it would be to breed him. His face flushed red as he shook it quickly, noticing his growing boner in his pants and looking away. He didn't just think this way of one of his best friend didn't he? That picture stayed stuck in his mind, unable to chase it away. Tanjiro kissing him. Their body pressed against each other's. Tanjiro's smell wrapping around him. His pants only got tighter as his breath itched a bit. He remembered how Tanjiro chuckled and how he said he found him cute. Unable to resist, he slid a hand under his pants and reached to rub himself, blushing lightly and letting out a soft moan. He felt embarrassed thinking about Tanjiro that way but his mind kept doing it anyways, trying to picture him without his clothes on, as if he was the one touching him right now. His moans got a bit louder at the idea of Tanjiro touching him. He blushed more and moaned his name as his movement got a bit faster. He then heard a noise and quickly looked up at his door. There, he saw Tanjiro leaning on the door frame and looking at him with a small smirk on his lips. Inosuke felt his face flush a deep red as his eyes met Tanjiro's.

-"Oh..." Mumbled Inosuke, for once at a lost for words.
-"Keep going Inosuke." He said in a low tone that sent shivers through Inosuke's body. "You look really pretty like that~."

Inosuke's face took a deeper shade of red. Tanjiro let out a chuckle and walked over to his friend, climbing on the bed.

-"Come on Inosuke~" He whispered in his ear in a commending tone.

Another shiver ran through Inosuke's body qd he obeyed and started moving his hand again, blushing under Tanjiro's insistant stare. Inosuke knew that he was red as wished. Tanjiro was watching his every move, leaning closer. Inosuke could feel Tanjiro's breath on his neck before he felt his lips, gently planting kisses on the skin there. Inosuke wondered if he was as dreaming but Tanjiro biting him lightly brought him back to the moment. Inosuke leaned closer to Tanjiro and moaned his name. He felt Tanjiro smirk against his neck and then reached to grab Inosuke's hard member, making him gasp lightly.

-"Do you often do that while thinking about me?" He asked as he leaned closer and started jerking him off.

Inosuke looked away, an ashamed look serving as his answer.

-"That's fine Inosuke~." He whispered, pressing his own hard cock on Inosuke's side. "I do too~."

Inosuke was surprised and taken aback. So Tanjiro liked him too? He must be dreaming but all this felt too real. While Inosuke lost himself in his thoughts, Tanjiro leaned over him, keeping him stuck between himself and the mattress. Inosuke lifted his eyes to meet Tanjiro's. He blushed again as he let out another moan, unable to look away from the red head above him. Tanjiro smile, one of his adorable smiles. Inosuke felt himself fall even more for that boy. Tanjiro looked at his lips and Inosuke grabbed his shirt, pulling him closer and clashing their lips together in a heated kiss. Tanjiro pressed his body on Inosuke's, making them both moan. Inosuke gently slid his hands under Tanjiro's shirt and then took it off. Tanjiro had lots of scars from protecting others and fighting demons, which Inosuke liked. Tanjiro smiled at him and he blushed again. Tanjiro chuckled and kissed his friend while he reached to removed all the clothes on Inosuke, leaving him naked in front of him. Inosuke was blushing as he saw Tanjiro eyeing him and then smirking lightly at how hard he was. Tanjiro sat up and took his own pants and underwear off. He was just as hard as Inosuke was. Quickly, Inosuke was clinging to Tanjiro who was fingering him gently, making sure the smaller boy wouldn't get hurt. Inosuke was letting out loud noises, blushing and squirming under Tanjiro. The last one smirked a bit at the other's reaction, enjoying the noises he made. Inosuke was barely able to follow what was happening. He only knew he wanted more. He gasped and let out a loud whine when Tanjiro removed his fingers from inside him, leaving him with an empty feeling he didn't like. Tanjiro kissed him, mainly to distract him as he pushed himself in. Inosuke moaned loudly in the kiss, wrapping his arms around Tanjiro and pulling him closer. Tanjiro started moving slowly and every single little movement made Inosuke moan. He looked at the other's pretty face, blushing deeply as pleasure was written all over it. Inosuke looked into Tanjiro's eyes and blushed a bit more.

-"I-I love you Tanjiro~" He managed to moan out.
-"So you do know my name~" Replied a smirking Tanjiro before he started moving his hips roughly, making the other scream in pleasure.

Inosuke was moaning Tanjiro's name repeatedly, arching his back and clinging to him. Both boys moaned. This lasted for a bit until both came at the same time. Inosuke's body was shaking as drool dripped from the side of his open mouth. Tanjiro leaned closer and gently licked the drool off as he looked at Inosuke who could only blush in response, his body too weak and too busy catching his breath to react otherwise.

-"I love you Inosuke." Softly whispered Tanjiro in his ear.

Inosuke finally moved. He went to snuggle against the other slayer.

-"I love you too... Tanjiro..." He whispered as he slowly fell asleep in Tanjiro's arms.

Tanjiro smile and kissed the top of his head before slowly falling asleep.


Zenitsu, in the other room, slowly removed the pillow from over his head.
-"Are they done?" He whispered to himself, his face red.

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