A flamboyant encounter

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Both Akaza and Rengoku were sleeping peacefully. The demon woke up first as he felt hungry. He clutched to his stomach as he let out a small groan escape his lips, which was enough to wake up the fiery haired slayer. Rengoku looked at Akaza and seemed to worry as he saw Akaza's position.

-"Is everything ok Kaza?" He asked worriedly.
-"Y-yea... I'm just hungry..." Admitted Akaza.

Rengoku sat up and nodded slowly, thinking for a bit.

-"I can't feed you humans... but I do have some meat if you want." He ended up proposing.

Akaza sat up too and then nodded quickly at the proposition. Literally anything would do. He just wanted to get his hunger under contrôle before he'd hurt Rengoku. He absolutely didn't want that as he feared the slayer would start hating him again.Rengoku got up and went to get the meat he had just proposed. Akaza went to sit on the floor as he didn't want to dirty the bed. Rengoku came back about a minute later with a plate full of raw meat. He smiled at Akaza as he put it down.

-"There you go Kaza."
-"Thank you Kyojuro." He said as he drooled in front of the meat.

He quickly grabbed some and started eating quickly. Some blood dripped on his chin but he was too busy eating to even care.

Suddenly, surprising both the fiery headed man and the demon, the door flung open as someone shouted :


Akaza's head shot up to stare at the newcomer while Rengoku turned on himself. Everyone in the room froze. The larger slayer, a white haired man with red eyes and a headband with many shiny stones, cut himself as his eyes laid on Akaza. The slayer quickly pulled out his two blades and put himself in a fighting stance as Akaza jumped up and backed away until his back hid the wall. Rengoku quickly put himself between them.

-"Move Kyo! That's upper 3!" Argued the newcomer.
-"Calm down Tengen! He's my guest!"

The white haired slayer seemed surprised. He examined the two other person and lowered his blade. He examined Akaza closely, making the demon nervously play with his hands. Then Tengen spotted the hickeys on Akaza's neck.

-"Ooooh! He's that kind of guest huh? Didn't know you were into demons Kyo!" Said the slayer before bursting into laughter as Rengoku found himself blushing.

Akaza didn't seem to understand but went closer to Rengoku. Tengen still kept an eye on Akaza, obviously still not trusting him which both the flame hashira and the demon himself could understand. Rengoku kept his eyes on Tengen as he didn't want him to end up hurting Akaza. Tengen slowly sheated back his swords.

-"You have some explaining to do Kyojuro Rengoku." Finally said Tengen, breaking the awkward silence that had settled in between the three of them.

Rengoku let out a soft sigh, pondering what exactly he should tell to his best friend. He felt Akaza hold onto his clothes lightly and turned his head to look at the smaller demon.

-"It's ok Kaza. That's Tengen Uzui, the sound pillar and my best friend. He won't hurt you." He said on a soft tone.

To go with what Rengoku said, Tengen waved and smiled at them both. Akaza nodded slowly and let go of Rengoku.

-"My name is Akaza." He said as he bowed respectfully in front of the slayer.
-"Nice to meet you!" Replied Tengen before laughing loudly.

Akaza quietly went back to the meat he had almost forgotten on the floor and started eating once more under the eyes of the two slayers. He didn't care, he was still hungry and really didn't want to end up hurting the flame hashira... The two slayers started talking together. Akaza wasn't focusing on them but he still understood that Rengoku was telling his best friend about how they met and everything. He quickly stopped listening.

Rengoku had just finished telling Tengen how he and Akaza had met while Tengen kept glancing at the demon.

-"Kyo... are you sure he's not dangerous?"
-"I saw his whole body Ten... and he's been with me for a few days now. He had plenty occasions of killing me or my family."
-"And you trust him... Kyo, you know I'm your friend and I'll support you no matter what, but if Sanemi or Obanai hear of this..."

Rengoku sighed heavily.

-"I know... I'll be careful so don't worry." He said as he smiled to the taller man.

Tengen nodded slowly. They talked for a bit longer until Akaza hesitantly walked it them. He had cleaned his face and had no trace of blood. Rengoku smiled and reached to hug him, making the demon blush. Akaza still hugged back, a bit too aware of the white haired slayer staring at them. Rengoku didn't care. His best friend already knew that they fucked anyways so showing affection didn't embarrass him at all. Tengen let out a laugh at Akaza's embarrassment.

-"I never thought I'd spare two demons in my life!" He said cheerfully.
-"Two?" Asked Akaza, wondering who else could have been spared.
-"Nezuko! She's a weird demon. You probably saw her on the train."
-"Oh... yes I remember her."
-"Maybe you should meet her properly? She's quite interesting."
-"That's such a good idea!" Exclaimed Rengoku.

Akaza nodded lightly. He remembered both the demon and the young slayer that had thrown his sword at him. He still had the sword. Maybe he could give it back? No way. He wasn't going to the fortress only for a sword... He'll give it back later...

Later on, somewhere close to the house of the Rengoku's, a shadow was lurking around. It was looking for someone but it didn't even know who yet...

Akaza x RengokuNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ