All good things come to an end

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Somewhere outside the Rengoku's house, someone was roaming around and examining every house. The scent of the person they were looking for growing stronger as he got closer. They would look through the windows as they reached the said house, quickly finding the demon and the slayer, both laying on the last one's bed and talking cheerfully. They had never seen the demon smile like that and it took them aback, making them freeze for a second. Their eyebrows got closer as they frowned in annoyance. They hid as Akaza lifted his head up.

-"What is it Kaza?" Asked the slayer as the demon was looking around, squinting his eyes.
-"Nothing... I thought I saw something outside..."
-"It was probably just a bird."
-"Yea... You're probably right."

They heard Akaza sigh. They knew he was still staring at the window. They then heard shuffling and then a small laughter. They peeked back inside only to see the slayer gently hugging the demon. This made them grit their teeth. They went a bit further away and hid, waiting.


(Back with the two lovebirds)

Akaza melted slowly in the hug, snuggling closer to the slayer. Rengoku was the only person's touch Akaza actually enjoyed. Rengoku let out a soft chuckle and tightened his grip on the smaller boy. Akaza had stopped being a demon in his eyes. Rengoku liked how he looked and how nice he was being. Akaza was often playing with Senjuro, which Rengoku appreciated as he didn't always have the time. He had noticed how the pink haired boy's mood seemed to get brighter each day that passed. This made him happy. Akaza was finally healing, slowly but still! Rengoku sighed softly, he had a mission and had to leave. He hugged tighter the demon who only leaned closer to him in response. Both smiled softly before Rengoku slowly let go.

-"It's time for me to leave..." He said softly after another sigh.
-"Ok..." Akaza said a bit sadly.
-"I promise I'll be back in the morning ok?"

He kissed Akaza's forehead and then got ready. He said goodbye to Akaza and his brother before leaving. Night had already fallen a while earlier at that moment. Rengoku looked back at his house, a weird feeling making his stomach hurt. He shivered and looked around, feeling as if he was being observed. As he didn't see anyone, he shook the feeling off and started walking, not aware that someone was following him from a small distance.

The sun had rose in the sky about an hour ago. Akaza was sitting on the floor with Senjuro who had came to him, both waiting for the hashira to come back. A few more hours passed and Akaza became really tense and worried. Rengoku always came back before lunch time. Usually, he even tried to come back when it was still night as he knew Akaza would wait outside until the sun came out. Yet, they didn't get any news and it was already past lunch time. Akaza was obviously worried. The whole day passed but there still wasn't any trace of the slayer. As soon as it was dark enough, Akaza went outside. If the slayer was in trouble, he'd have to go help. He found the slayer's scent and followed it for a few miles until he caught another smell. All the colour drained from his face. He then heard a laugh and slowly turned around. There stood the last person he'd ever wanna see.

-"D-Douma..." He whispered as he started shaking uncontrollably.
-"Hello Akaza-Dono! How have you been?" He asked on a cheerful tone.
-"W-what are you doing here?"
-"Oh well I was looking for you when I met this slayer."

He pulled on a weakened Rengoku's hair, making the slayer whine and the demon smile. Rengoku looked like a mess. He had obviously been beat up pretty badly. Akaza's eyes widened at the sight.

-"You know Akaza-dono~, it's mean to ignore your boyfriend for some other boy~."

Akaza flinched, unable to take his eyes off the slayer.

-"How about we eat him~?" Douma tilted his head lightly. "Master will be delighted if we kill a hashira!"

Akaza finally looked up at Douma, clenching his fists and his jaw.

-"What do you want Douma?" He asked on the calmest tone possible but even Douma could feel the anger irradiating from him.

Douma chuckled and watched the other demon.

-"You, Akaza-dono! I thought it was obvious!"

Akaza's eyes shifted to Rengoku.

-"If.... If I come with you... you'll let him go?" Asked Akaza in a hushed voice.
-"Of course! I wouldn't have bothered to keep him alive otherwise!" Replied Douma with a large smile.

Akaza took a deep breath.

-"Fine then." Finally said Akaza.
-"Good! Glad we came to an agreement!"

Douma let go of Rengoku who fell to the ground in a quiet "thud". Akaza went to check on him quickly, making sure he wasn't hurt badly. Douma grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him back.

-"H-hey!" Said Akaza, looking annoyed.
-"He's fine! You don't need to worry about him!"

Akaza frowned lightly. He put his hand out and a crow landed on his arm, surprising Douma. Akaza hit Douma's hand away from his neck and leaned back close to Rengoku. He ripped a part of the slayer's clothes and gently tied it around the bird's leg.

-"Go to Tengen." He said softly and then the bird flew away.

Akaza watched it leave as he passed a hand in the slayer's hair. He gently kissed his forehead and laid him down as comfortable as possible before getting back up and looking at Douma who was staring at him with a displeased look.

-"They would have found him at some point." He said with a pout.
-"I wanted to make sure of it. Let's go before day comes..."

Douma grabbed Akaza's arm roughly and started pulling him as the older demon winced a bit. Akaza looked one last time at Rengoku before he got out of his view. Surprisingly, he didn't feel anything. He did feel his heart shatter when he saw the slayer wounded but right now, his body was barely answering him. He was surrounded by a comforting numbness, both physical and emotional. He hoped Rengoku wouldn't get himself in trouble, that he'd live a long and happy life. Whitout him.

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