Fight 2.0

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Rengoku was the first one ready. He was nervously pacing around the room Tengen had put him in to wait for the others. Next one was Mitsuri.

-"Hello Rengoku!" She said cheerfully.
-"Hello Mitsuri." He said with a small smile.
-"How about we sit down and talk for a bit?"
-"So... tell me about that demon! Akaza right?"
-"He's really nice..." He said as he smiled softly as he thought of the demon. "He loves to play with Senjuro. He's really adorable too. He gets embarrassed at nothing. He was really nervous when he started staying with us. He had trouble staying alone and would have nightmares. I saw him cry so many times... He was starting to get better and smile more..."

He hadn't noticed Giyuu and Sanemi walking in, soon after followed by Obanai and Shinobu. Mitsuri was hanging on his friend's lips, quietly fangirling (like us all-) about how much his friend loved the demon.

-"Just ask him out." Said Sanemi, surprising everyone. "What? Even I can see just how much he loves him."

Sanemi crossed his arms, his usual frown on his face. Giyuu sighed and put a hand on his shoulder. For a second surprise, Sanemi's face seemed to soften at the touch.

-"I will. If he's still alive when we get there..." Said Rengoku, his nervousness back.

Mitsuri gently put a hand on his arm, trying to appease him a bit. Rengoku gave her a forced smile. The last ones got there and they all waited. A crow appeared on the window, telling them the address some slayers had found. It wasn't long before they all headed out. Once they reached their destination, night had fallen. They all stopped before a temple. Paradise Faith Cult. Rengoku wanted to simply barge in but Tengen stopped him.

-"Kyo, let us fight him ok? Focus on looking for Akaza. That's your priority. We'll keep him occupied." He said as he looked at the flame hashira in the eyes.

Rengoku nodded and watched as his friends sneaked in one by one. He went in last. He heard Shinobu screaming that she found him and went in the opposite direction. He looked through all the rooms he found until he got to the last one. He could hear his friends fighting. He finally found the end of the hallway he was in and opened the last door. There was a large bedroom with a big bed in the middle. The satin covers were undone and dirtied by blood. There, Akaza was laying. Rengoku quickly went over but froze. The pink haired demon was unconscious, naked, and all him limbs had been ripped off. He could see dried tears, hickeys, scratches, bruises and bite marks all over his body. Akaza slowly forced his eyes open as he smelled Rengoku. His eyes widened lightly as he saw him over him, his eyes filled with tears.

-"Oh god... Akaza..." He whispered softly.
-"Kyo... juro?" Mumbled Akaza, his voice sounding harsh.

Rengoku nodded and reached to hug the demon's head gently, being careful so he wouldn't hurt him. Akaza leaned his head closer to the slayer. He felt so happy to see him again. He was afraid he'd stay trapped here forever. He felt his hunger hit him like a wave but tried to ignore it. Rengoku still noticed the way the demon was staring at his arm. He had been with Akaza for a while now, he knew him.

-"Go ahead Kaza. You'll need some strength." He said softly.

Akaza glanced at him and Rengoku nodded. Akaza slowly sank his teeth in Rengoku's arm. The slayer made his best to not react at all. Akaza sucked his blood slowly. Once he had just enough, he pulled away.

-"Thank you Kyojuro." Softly said Akaza.

Rengoku smiled softly.

-"No problem. Let's get you out of here."

Akaza focused on healing, regrowing each limb slower then he would have liked. Once he was done, Rengoku gently wrapped his cape against the demon's naked body. He then looked around the room and found some pants that he gave him. Akaza put on the pants quickly and both headed out. Akaza was still weak and had to lean on Rengoku to walk. They reached the exit only to find Douma and the other hashiras fighting there. Douma was loosing, overwhelmed by the number of slayer attacking him all at the same time. His eyes laid on Akaza and Rengoku and a devilish smirk spread on his lips as he launched an attack at them. Both couldn't avoid it.

Akaza x RengokuWhere stories live. Discover now