"Yes, Captain Rex don't worry she's resting with Commander Wolffe over there."


Then Wolffe heard footsteps. They got closer and closer until he felt a presence looming beside him. The Commander didn't dare turn around worried that if he did it would wake Omega.

"I swear if you take any kriffing photos dear Rex'ika you won't live to see the end of the war," Wolffe grumbled out in a low whisper.

"A little late for that," Rex laughed out pocketing his data-pad that was now fully stocked with enough blackmail material to last him a lifetime.

"Besides I don't think Cody will allow that," Rex quipped back.

"I can make it look like an accident."

"You know he's too smart for that."

"You are so lucky that I have a pup in my hands right now because if I didn't you would be bleeding on the floor by now," Wolffe growled.

Rex once again ignored the Commander's threat and inched closer to the pair. He took a seat next to Wolffe eying the sleeping child in his hands.

"She's really something isn't she."

Wolffe didn't tear his eyes away from her, "She's ... impossible. How?"

"Kaminoans. They love to experiment," Rex responded blankly.

"Damn demagolka's" Wolffe barked out. He remained quiet for a bit before asking another question.

"Where did you find her?"

"It wasn't me," Rex confirmed, "it was Fives and Echo, somehow those two idiots managed to sneak her on board," he finished with a laugh.

"Of course, it was your battalion that found her," Wolffe remarked.

Rex smiled, "Oh like Sinker and Boost wouldn't have done the exact same thing." Wolffe let out a huff with a ghost smile flashing across his face. Wolffe was about to ask another question when-


Rex can deny it all he wants but Wolffe saw the way Rex's body tensed when he heard the angry voice enter the room. That tends to happen when your older brother is angry at you.

And from the looks of it, Cody was pissed.

"I might not have to kill you after all looks like Cody will do the job for me," Wolffe smirked and Rex shot him a glare.

"You land on Coruscant and don't tell me. You ignore every single one of my calls, make me inspect every inch of this temple to find you making me look like a complete idiot. What are you even doing here? Shouldn't you be-"

Cody lost his train of thought when he realized something was resting in Wolffe's arms. His curiosity got the best of him so he got closer to the sofa. Upon closer inspection, he realized that that something was a someone.

It was small, a cadet? What's a cadet doing on Coruscant?

Was this what 'congratulations' Obi-Wan was talking about?

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