Chapter 18

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• • • Chicago, present-day • • •

"Let me go!" Florence snaps, she opens her mouth to start screaming for help, only to have a hand pushed in front of her mouth, successfully muffling her shouts. She glowers in disgust, not knowing when this man had last washed his hands. With her free hand, she reaches into her back pocket for a small bottle she had started carrying with her since meeting Marcel.

As if reading Florence's mind, he drops his hand from her mouth. He locks eyes with her to compel her. "Stop shouting. What do you know of Klaus?"

Florence narrows her eyes, understanding what the vampire was attempting. "Get lost." She retorts. With a feeling of victory, she brings her hand up and sprays the vampire's face with the small spray bottle.

Damon lets out a pained shout and reaches up with one hand, rubbing it over his face to remove the burning liquid.

Florence wriggles in his hold, trying to free herself, but despite his pained state, the vampire didn't let her go.

"Alright, I'm done playing nice." Damon snarls before letting his fangs drop. Within the next second, he had his fangs buried in the throat of the annoying girl. He wasn't planning on killing her, only to punish her a little before continuing his interrogation.

Florence screams and tries to scratch the vampire's eyes out, anything to get him away from her neck. The sensation of getting bitten was a lot more painful in real life than the dulled version she had experienced in her visions.

"Don't you know it is incredibly rude to attack ladies?"

Florence hears a loud crack and the next moment the hands of her attacker released her. She looks down to see Damon lying limply on the ground.

Lifting her gaze, she looks right into the face of Rebekah Mikaelson.

The human stares at the woman in disbelief and perhaps a little awe. She looked like an exact replica of Rebekah from her Chicago visions, and Florence had to blink to make sure she wasn't having a vision right now.

The only difference in appearance was the evident blood stain on Rebekah's chest. She remembers how Marcel had told her about how Niklaus daggered his siblings. Florence feels a tinge of sadness at the idea of Rebekah having been kept in a box for these past 90 years.

"You're welcome." Rebekah states when the girl kept gaping at her. She believed a 'thank you' was the very least she deserved for her efforts.

"Thank you. Are you alright?" Florence asks out of habit. She lifts her hand lamely to her neck, hoping to stop the bleeding, it would be really great if she were to survive her first encounter with a Mikaelson.

She had to admit that she was a little disappointed, Florence had hoped for something a little different upon meeting a Mikaelson, maybe an indication of recognition from Rebekah, but the blonde merely looked at her like any other person might. At least the Original had bothered to save her.

"You just got bitten by a vampire and ask if I'm alright?" Rebekah narrows her eyes, not understanding.

"Yes." Florence mumbles.

"I could be doing better," Rebekah admits with a small, hesitant smile. She didn't know why she hadn't killed the girl already, it had been her initial plan, to steal this other vampire's meal, but she was now hesitant. She couldn't see the girl very well in the dimly lit alley, but something felt eerily familiar about this human.

Rebekah made a quick mental note about the girl's awareness of the existence of vampires before speaking up again. "Let me heal that up for you."

"Oh, I'm fine." Florence was reluctant. Despite her excitement, she was afraid Rebekah would kill her on impulse if she got any closer. Rebekah loved Elizabeth and had controlled her urges and impulses for the lady's maid, but Rebekah owed Florence nothing.

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