Chapter 7

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• • • New Orleans, present-day • • •

"My contacts have informed me that Klaus is currently traveling the country, searching for a werewolf pack." Marcel says, bending over one of the maps that were splayed out onto the table. He lets his finger graze over the various spots where Niklaus supposedly had been over the past few weeks, pointing them out for Florence.

Despite the story that Florence had provided him with sounding completely bizarre, he believed her. The girl had provided him with significant information and details of the lives of the Mikaelsons, she couldn't possibly have made all of this up.

Upon Marcel's break with the Mikaelsons, he hadn't wanted to contact them, too blinded by his anger and sorrow, that didn't mean he lost them out of sight.

Despite the many years that had passed, Marcel made sure he had a rough idea of the Mikaelsons' location, wanting to make sure they kept away from his home, New Orleans.

"Why is he searching for werewolves?" Florence did not know much of werewolves, besides the tales she had heard whilst living in Asta's memories. In the tales, werewolves had been described as beastly, deranged, and incredibly dangerous, which was ironic seeing as she currently was comfortably seated in a space occupied by multiple vampires.

"Because he has broken his curse." Marcel announces through gritted teeth.

• • • England, March 1492 • • •

"Your brother does not love her." Elizabeth looks out of the window onto the large gardens. Katerina and Niklaus could be seen on one of the stone benches, speaking intimately as lovers might do. It was quite strange that the young woman wasn't chaperoned, but then again, Rebekah wasn't either.

"Not all relationships are established for love." Rebekah replies, looking up from her book. She gazes at the young woman, admiring the way the light fell on her complexion, highlighting her cheekbones. Rebekah had initially regretted killing her first lady's maid, but was all too glad when she laid her eyes on the replacement. It had taken quite some persuasion on Rebekah's side to get Elizabeth to accept her affections, but it had all been worth it in the end.

"I wish they were, life would be less confusing." Elizabeth admits softly. She had heard plenty about arranged marriages, and it often sounded more like a business transaction than a union in love. She wasn't certain what to call her and Rebekah's relationship, but she knew for sure it wouldn't end with a marriage. Furthermore, she had heard of public shaming and banishment for those who committed sodomy, but Rebekah had assured her no one would need to know.

"Do you like her? Katerina?" Rebekah's tone was a bit sharper than usual, and it was clear from the way she pronounced the name that she wasn't fond of the girl.

"She seems polite and quite social, and her beauty-." Elizabeth replies vaguely, eyes still trained on the couple outside. She looks longingly at the dress the brunette was wearing, it was almost as pretty as Rebekah's.

"That's not what I asked, little dove." Rebekah raises from her bed and stalks towards the human until they are nose to nose. "Do you like her? Would she be a fit addition to my family?" Her tone was mocking.

Elizabeth tears her gaze away from Katerina to meet Rebekah's gaze. "I do not know her well enough to judge her, but she seems young, impulsive, easily affected by the idea of love." Elizabeth replies, affected herself by the closeness to Rebekah. The soft, flowery smell that came from Rebekah along with the piercing gaze were enough to make Elizabeth feel delightfully dizzy.

She is reminded of how Katerina had grimaced at Rebekah when no one else looked, and a frown makes its way to Elizabeth's face. "I am not really fond of her." Elizabeth whispers, afraid to be scolded for speaking her mind too freely.

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