Chapter 16

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• • • Chicago, present-day • • •

"I have to say, Marcel does know how to get people to like him." Kaleb admits begrudgingly as he lets himself flop down onto the enormous bed. He lets out a pleased sigh and rolls around on the bed to wrap himself in the soft duvet. Alright, the flight hadn't been that long, but traveling was tiresome nonetheless.

Marcel had texted Florence when their plane landed, announcing he had already booked them a hotel. She had wanted to refuse, seeing as he was already helping her so much, but who was she to look a given horse in the mouth.

"I'm glad you approve of him." Florence says with a roll of her eyes. Unbothered by Kaleb's rolling around, she empties her backpack on the other bed before stuffing the essentials back inside. It was best to travel light when looking for clues. Kaleb might have persuaded her to bring the books and documents she had taken from the city archive of New Orleans with her.

He argued that such knowledge really should fall under the free movement of intellectual property.

"I never said that." Kaleb protests at once, wiggling a little in his confinement to shoot Florence an indignant look.

"Are you quite done with your impression of a burrito?" Florence asks, foot tapping impatiently. "We have a city to explore."

Kaleb lets out a grumble before rolling off the bed, successfully face planting the carpet.

• • •

"I know. And for me to contact her, I'll need help. Bring me Rebekah." Gloria fixes Niklaus with a stern look, unimpressed with his display of impatience. The man had some nerve to walk into her bar and demand things of her after all that had happened the last time they crossed paths. Her eyes follow the other vampire as he rips something off her wall.

Niklaus lets out a heavy sigh. "Rebekah. Rebekah is a bit preoccupied." A brief pang of guilt shoots through him at the memory of his lifeless sister, she had been more than distraught upon fleeing the bar and leaving behind her lover and close friend. Daggering had truly been the best way to keep her from acting impulsively.

"She has what I need. Bring her to me." Gloria demands her eyes narrow a little. "As well as that which you owe me and my family."

"What is this?" Stefan inquires, successfully halting Niklaus from attacking the witch on the spot for her attitude. He waves the old photograph in the air, a little dazed by his own face smiling back at him, together with the Original hybrid he despised.

"Well, I told you, Stefan. Chicago's a magical place." Niklaus replies when he recognizes the picture, bitterness shining through his feigned cheerfulness.

• • •

"My feet hurt." Kaleb whines as he dramatically leans into a lamppost to put emphasis on his suffering.

"I know, you've been complaining about them for the past half an hour." Florence mumbles as she studies the map they had picked up at a tourist information desk.

"If you heard me, then you could have at least shown me some mercy, woman!" Kaleb groans.

"No, we're close." Florence argues as she lowers the map, frustrated.

"That's what you said ten minutes ago, and ten minutes before that, and-"

Florence halts eyes fixated on the outdoor sign she hadn't seen earlier. "Kaleb,"

"And ten minute-"

"Kaleb! Look!" Florence grabs Kaleb's face with both hands to gain his attention.

"Are you going to kiss me? Because I don't think the Mikaelsons will approve, not that they know of your existence of course, and I wouldn't mind, but still. I'm pretty sure they can get vindictive if they find out we shared a smooch-"

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