"You're seriously going to that thing they call a school?" Ryo questioned after you walked out the bathroom. "Which one? The one I normally go to or the one I'm transferring to?"

"The latter."

"Technically I have no choice, as Gojo mentioned an execution. So, in other words, yeah." You chuckled as you grabbed your bookbag and slugged downstairs to the kitchen where your cousin was sitting.

"Oh. Hey there, Yachi. You're usually never up this early." You commented before opening the fridge. He looked up at you with a frown.

"Shut up. I've got a meeting with someone today so I gotta get up early." He grumpily answered before getting up and putting his bowl of finished cereal in the sink and rinsed it out. You hummed in response before frowning.

Meeting? As far as I know, Yachi doesn't work outside the house. So what meeting?

"You're not seriously thinking your cousin having a meeting is related to the Gojo situation."

You ignored Ryo and shut the fridge before sitting down at the table. Your father walked into the kitchen and set a small box on the table and pushed it towards you.

You looked at the box then at him before he gave you a look that told you to "Go ahead and open it" as he smiled. You smiled back before opening it up and finding a very beautiful nice-sized pocket knife sitting in there surrounded by black velvet placing. You picked it up and examined it, pushing out the blade. It came up swiftly with a quiet woosh. You chuckled softly then put it back in it's box.

"Thanks, dad." You said before getting up and hugging him tight. "Be safe out there, Y/n. I love you." He said, letting go. "Love you too, dad. You be safe, too." You replied before grabbing your stuff and walked out the door.




"WHATTTT?! IT'S YOUR LAST DAY HERE?!" Your friend, Tagamachi, the dumbest kid in the class, exclaimed. You chuckled halfheartedly at his words. "Yep. I really had fun hanging out with you guys." You smiled and lie to the group sitting around you.


"DO IT YOURSELF, YOU DUMB SACK OF SHIT!" Your other friend, Chiharu, slapped Tagamichi's head. The group, as well as you let out a cackle. "You'll be fine, Tagamichi." You added, giving the group another soft smile.

"Well, anyways, would we ever see you again?" Chiharu asked. You blinked at her question..

"Probably. I'll definitely text you guys, though." You were definitely gonna delete their contacts and block them on everything.

"You guys should probably head back to your desks, the teacher just walked in-"

"WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU ALL DOING AT Y/N'S DESK?! LEAVE THAT POOR GIRL ALONE, WILL YOU?!" Your teacher came from behind and smacked everybody's heads with a thin stack of papers in her hand.

"BUT MS. HAGUCHIII, IT'S Y/N'S LAST DAY HEREEE! WE GOTTA SAVOR EVERY MOMENT WE CAN!" Tagamichi protested. The teacher gave him an extra slap on the head before shooing everyone away from your desk.




"Goodbye, Y/nnn!!"


"See you around!"

The group waved you off as you smiled back at them and began walking off towards your house.

𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃𝐘 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘; 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢 𝐳𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐧 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now