"Eren! Grab your musket and look out for-" I turned my head and felt a prick in my neck. "Sh-Shit," my speech was slurred and I quickly collapsed to the floor as well. Dots appeared in my vision; a second later I was asleep.


'Where am I? ' I tried to open my eyes, but couldn't, I could feel nothing and heard faint voices. The only sight behind my eyelids being dull greys and blacks. 'So we got captured, and I assume I've been drugged.'

"Historia," a deep voice echoed. "I'm sorry for everything..." His voice was distorted. 'Who is that man? '


"Please forgive me for everything. In order to protect you, I had no other choice," he sounded anxious, "I was always thinking about you. I've always dreamed of the day I could hold you like this." That sentence struck an odd chord in me. It sounded, fake. "You're special... Royal blood runs through you." He caught me off guard.  'Royal blood? Is that why she changed her name... and Eren is the co-ordinate. I see his plan. He wants her to eat Eren.'

"It... does?" She said tremulously.

"That's right Historia. Our Reiss family is the true royal line, and because you're special, you're the one and only person who can save all of humanity." I heard footsteps. "Now, let us go Historia. To the place it all began." 

A strong force pulled me up, multiple footsteps in conjunction around me as I was being hauled somewhere else. The sound of a door and the presence of a cool breeze told me we had left whatever building we were in and are now outside. 

Their feet cracked and popped along the gravel walkway. Suddenly my body collapsed onto something solid. Then the clacking of hoofs started. 'I'm in a carriage. They're probably taking us to get eaten... If only I could see.' I tried to move the muscles in my face, but nothing worked. as well as anything I could remotely feel. 

But nothing worked. As hours passed in silence, the only noises being the creaking off the carriage and rhythmic clacking of hoofs. Gradually, during the course of the ride, I started to regain some feeling in my body. The weight of the clothes I was wearing, the numbing of one of my fingers from loss of blood. 

The ride after that became loud, the small noises around me becoming much more obnoxious as my hearing started to improve. 'How long have I been here? It feels like an eternity,' I groaned internally, the silence was getting to me. 'I wonder what Annie is doing, I feel bad for not going to see her, but I think it was the right choice. Although the fact that we've been riding for so long is concerning. Where are they even taking us? ' Suddenly an idea struck me, 'are they going to eat us!? They said that Historia was royal blooded, which probably means they know about the founder and how to transfer shifter powers...' The idea rattled me, that along with the distance and silence made me increasingly worried.

'But, the scouts will find us... I hope.' Those thoughts kept me from worrying too much. Maybe, just maybe everything will be fine. I decided after that I'd at least try and get some sleep, closing my eyes and falling asleep in the following minutes.


"Eren, you're awake." Historia's voice brought me back to consciousness. I opened my eyes slowly, and saw Eren chained to down on an altar. Historia standing down below him. 

Mindless | AOT x Male Reader [Discontinued]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя