Chapter 29 - The Sprinter

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I retreated as far back into the corner as I could. 'I'm tired. . .' I yawned, closing my eyes and attempting to fall asleep. But minutes passed, and sleep eluded me. I attributed it to my uncomfortable position and kept shifting in my seat, trying to find a more comfortable spot, over and over again. Growing increasingly frustrated, I finally sat up straight, feeling annoyed and irritable

Instead of trying the useless endeavor of sleeping again, I glanced around to see if there was anyone I could talk with. Nevertheless, the only people in the carriage were Mikasa, Eren, Levi, Armin, and Historia. Sasha and Connie were outside on the horses, no way am I talking to Levi, Mikasa, or Eren either. Which leaves Armin and Historia. However, a quick glance at Armin and that was a no go as well, he was knocked out and sleeping against the wall.

'So Historia.' I looked around and quickly noticed that would be easier said than done. She was sandwiched between Eren and Levi, and was also on the other side of the carriage. 

Slumping into my seat I internally groaned. 'There's absolutely nothing to do.' I felt deflated and extremely bored. But, there was nothing I could do about that, so I sat and waited, for ten minutes, then thirty, then an hour, and then two. 'How far away is this cabin!? I could've probably been there in at least 15 minutes if I was using my Titan! ' I started lightly tapping the wall in frustration, another few minutes passed and I was staring at the ceiling when.

"Hey, can you stop tapping?" Mikasa whispered bitterly, like I was doing it personally to spite her, so I decided to ignore her and kept tapping. It was something to do, in this cramped space. "Hey," she tapped my shoulder, "can you stop tapping the wall?" She spoke slightly louder. I brushed her hand off and turned to her.

"Why? I'm just tapping the wall? It's not even loud." I rolled my eyes.

"It's annoying. . . so can you stop?" Her eyebrows furrowed annoyed.

"Fine." I removed my hand from the wall and sat in silence before eventually starting to doze off. and just as I was about to fall into the dreamland I felt a shake on my shoulder. 

"What!?" I snapped up angrily, any sense of exhaustion having dissipated, replaced with pure anger.

"We're here?" Mikasa stood up walking out the carriage. 'This sucked ass.' I stood up as well, wiping my eyes clear of any fog and exiting the carriage after Mikasa. By now it was night and large clouds covered the sky, I followed the others inside and Captain Levi pulled us all together, discussing the plans that were to happen in the following days.

"Tonight, just get some rest. Tomorrow is when we'll begin. Wake up early and start taking in the supplies from the carriage, as well as clean the house thoroughly, once Hange and the rest arrive from Trost, we'll begin testing on you two," He said implying me and Eren. "There and four rooms, excluding mine, and two beds per room. Figure out who sleeps where yourselves." He walked into his room shutting the door. Immediately, Connie and Jean decided to sleep in the same room, as did Sasha and Historia. 

"Hey Armin, wanna bunk with me?" Eren asked before Mikasa could protest.

"Sure." Armin responded happily. Both of them leaving to their room. Leaving just me. . . and Mikasa. We both knew what the other was thinking. 'Do I really have to sleep in the same room as her!? ' Neither of us said anything, which is when I got an idea.

"I'm going outside for a little while. Pick whichever bed you want, I don't care." I quickly exited the cabin, running off into the forest to go let out my pent up energy, as fast as I could. I ran for only a few minutes or so before, by mere serendipity.

I happened to run into a small lake. 

"Nothing could've been more perfect." A large smile spread across my face as I took off my shoes, vest, and dress shirt, as well as rolling up my pants, before laying down by the lakeside, the water rising to about my knees and my back on the cold soft grass, a small dew having condensed onto their blades. The clouds had all but disappeared, leaving a beautiful view of the stars, each of them glimmering with a blue and white hue. At the center of it all however, the moon shone the brightest, pulling my eyes to it and not letting go. 

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