Chapter 13 - No Regrets

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"Open this door you brat!" My dad screamed slamming into the door repeatedly. 'I hope the lock holds long enough.' I slid the bed across the room and in front of the door just as I heard the deadbolt snap. Quickly I ran to the window unlatching it and sliding it open. Feeling the cool breeze from outside I looked back one more time at the pounding door before jumping through it and running away fast as I could to go. 

'I can't believe mom convinced him to have me rejoin the warriors in a week after my injuries healed, but I can't, I won't let be their slave, I'm going leave this stupid internment zone and forget about them.' I ran from block to block for as far and fast as my legs could take me. After running for what felt like an hour I sat down and tried to regain my breath. 'But how can I even get out of the interment zone if I'm an Eldian, I'd never escape them with this stupid armband.

Then it just clicked. 'If I remove this armband I can just leave! ' I took it off throwing it in the dumpster before walking the edge of the zone and straight through the gate. The guards looked at me to see if I had an armband but then realizing I didn't they just let me pass without a word. 'Is it really that easy? I guess they don't think anyone would have the nerve to try it anyways.

Walking around outside the interment zone it was so beautiful, the houses weren't packed overly tight and they all seemed so luxurious. But after seeing the enormity of the city I started getting hungry and tired too. Without any money or any place to sleep I wandered around aimlessly eventually ending up in some place that looked much more fancy than anything I've ever seen, it was an estate with a giant courtyard and a manor in the center. I placed my hands on the gate and stared in awe. 

"What are you doing kid?" A tall well dressed man with long blond hair appeared behind me staring down with a look of disgrace. 

"Oh, um, I'm sorry sir. I was just looking at how nice this place was." I bowed my head politely and stepped back away from the gate.

"Where are your parents kid?" He pulled a key out and unlocked the gate. 

"Um, I-I I'm an. . . Orphan sir." I quickly thought of a lie. 

"I'll ask again. Where are your parents?" He looked at me unamused from my lie.

"I ran away, my dad beat me and I couldn't take it anymore. Please sir don't report me I'm begging you. If I have to go back there-"

"I won't turn you in." He walked away through the gate leaving it wide open.

"Um, sir you forgot to close your gate!" I tried to get his attention before he left.

"I'm well aware, come with me kid. I have something for you." He stopped turning around and waiting. I stood still for a few seconds in shock before walking through the gate and standing next to him. We walked through a massive courtyard with different flowers and plants. Reaching the door to the manor he stopped turning and looking at me. 

"What's your name?" 

"Y/N. Y/N L/N sir."

"I'm Willy Tybur, nice to meet you Y/N." He pulled the door to the mansion open the bright lights from inside momentarily blinding me.


"Oh fuck!" I snapped awake gasping for air and stood up a little dizzy. I looked around and saw Erens titan body steaming and resting against the boulder. There were also soldiers climbing the wall from the Trost gate which looked to be the scouts. 

Mindless | AOT x Male Reader [Discontinued]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang