Chapter 1 - Awake - Prologue

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I felt a rush of heat through my body, throwing my eyes open and gagging. 'What the hell, where am I? ' My eyes traced around the city. It was covered in blood and Titans, their footsteps echoing throughout the city and reverberating through my feet. Getting up, I tried to run away, but soon found myself back on the ground as my legs buckled under me. 'Ow, ow, ow my legs feel like jello,' searing pain spread all up my body with every step, but I forced myself up anyways, walking slowly and limping away, soon however the pain slowly faded as I ran faster and faster towards the inner gate.

The screams of people quickly died down, and the sound of footsteps grew ever louder, but I didn't look back and ran. Turning through the cities winding streets and alleys until reaching a main road that followed along the wall, I saw people in the distance at the gate, mounting cannons for the incoming Titans.

"Fire!!!" Yelled a garrison captain, as the soldiers manning the cannons launched a barrage of fire at the titans, however due to the poor structure of them, they all missed. "What are you aiming at you idiot!" The captain screamed at one of the men manning the cannons.

"These things aren't built for moving targets!" He barked back.

"It doesn't matter, hurry and get it reloaded!" 

That was the last thing I heard as I ran past then and entered Wall Maria. 'Idiots, they'll never kill the Titans with cannons that cant even be aimed.'

Not long after I ran past the gate, I saw masses of people swarming around only two boats, they all pushed and shoved, trying to get ahead in line and be eligible for a spot. But for the vast majority they wouldn't be able to get on. Knowing that, I ran past the boats, until I heard thunderous footsteps. They grew closer and faster with each stride, and I glanced back just in time to see the gate shatter, sending shrapnel flying and leveling anything close to the blast. The screams of now deceased soldiers echoing in my ears while they were crushed.

After the dust settled, in the shattered gate stood a tall muscular titan covered in plates of armor, it's mouth guard retracing back as steam hissed out its mouth.

Swallowing the lump in my throat and resolving to run ahead without daring to ever look back. I scoured for something, anything to help me get away when I saw a dead soldiers body that had been flung from the gates destruction a few buildings away. It was a long shot, but maybe I could use the soldiers gear to get out of here. Not that I even knew how to use it, although it was my only chance. Squatting on the ground, I tried to unfasten the belt buckle around the soldier's waist, however it was stuck on tight, and the more I struggled the louder the footsteps behind me got. 

"Come on unfasten already!" I hastily pulled with all my force, and I flew into the ground. Taking the belt along with me. Catching my breath, I tried to put on the gear even though it was clearly too big for my ten year old body, but I somehow got it tight enough that it stayed fastened on while standing. Ridding myself of the blade cartridges, to allow less weight. I looked around for something operate this with, 'What the hell is this thing? I've never seen it.' I looked down and saw two handle looking objects attached to the belt. 'I just have a feeling this isn't going to work.' I grabbed the handles, pulling them out from the belt, a long cable attached to its bottom. In doing so however I pressed one of the buttons and it shot out an anchor that threw me off balance, sending stumbling off balance and ultimately onto the ground. 'Shit, that hurt.' I groaned.

"What the hell are you doing kid!?" I jumped, surprised by the sudden voice. I turned around to face a tall and imposing man with short blond hair, with a small stubble for a mustache. His face had blotches of blood and he seemed confused.  "Take that off and get to the transport boats quickly!" 

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