Chapter 5 - Severed Friendships and New Ones

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Two Years After Joining the Cadets


Two years had passed since the start of training and looking in the mirror I could see the difference, I looked much more cut, not only that but I'm much stronger, in fact stronger than most everybody here. And today, today was the day I could prove it to them. All the guys were gathered in the mess hall arm wrestling to see who the strongest was. After many rounds and many wins me and Reiner were the last left, all the cadets gathering around to watch.

"Well Reiner just me and you now," I said determined to beat him.

"Right on, don't expect me to hold back!" He said extremely confident and ready to win.

"Don't expect me to let you win easy either!" I said as we locked hand and already there was a noticeable difference in size, Reiner's hands were at least two times bigger than mine and his arms were longer too.

"Three, two, one. Go!"  Franz called, immediately Reiner started off strong, pulling my arm down towards him, but once he got half-way down was when I was strongest, holding him in a stale mate for a war of attrition, my arm was burning but I wasn't going to give up.

"Reiner! Why do you have to be so strong!" I said playfully. Chuckling he put one last push trying to make my arm touch the table but I wouldn't budge. Noticing his weakness after, I pulled back as hard as I could, bring him almost down into the table, sadly running out of strength before he could reach the table, Reiner seizing the opportunity came back with an even stronger vengeance than me slamming my hand into the table as everybody cheered.

"Aye nice one Reiner!"

"Good goin' getting revenge for all of us!"

'Can these guys shut up, its not like they did anything. Although it's not like I expected anything different though, He's huge and I'm tiny compared to him.'

"Nice job Y/N, you're no joke." Reiner complimented.

"Thanks." I said still sour from losing. 

It was now the afternoon and the sun was beating down sweat glistening off every bodies skin. 

"Ok Cadets! line up it's time for hand to hand combat training!" Shadis yelled out through the field. we split into partner groups, trading between being the man with the knife and and the one without. But, everybody started to pick their groups, and I was quickly left out. 'Everybody has already got a partner, and I don't think Annie really wants to practice right now.' Just as I thought that I saw Mikasa by herself and decided to ask her train.

"Hey Mikasa. Wanna be partners with me?" I asked curious to see if I could take her on.

"Sure." She said in a eager voice, almost like she was waiting for this and threw me the knife. Catching it with my left hand I prepared myself.


"Yeah," Mikasa responds to which I ran in. 'Ok, how am I gonna get past her monstrous strength.' Just then I remembered the first move Annie taught me and decided to use that. Just reaching Mikasa, I threw a fake stab with the wooden knife leaving my face wide open for a counter punch. She took the bait, and I side stepped the punch, dropping the knife, and using the freed hand to grab her over extended wrist, putting my right hand on her shoulder while sliding my foot under her feet, and with one quick move I jerk her arm back with the leverage from her wrist and kicked out her feet sending her face first into the floor. Quickly putting my knee on the middle of her back and pressing hard so she couldn't move. A small yelp escaping her mouth, 'maybe I pressed a little too hard? ' I thought, while twisting her arm into an bar using my knee to hold the wrist and right hand putting pressure on the elbow. I then grabbed the knife and put it to her throat.

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