Y/n does what Minho says and calms down a bit. Still, she's not feeling very well. Minho stands up and goes to Alby.

"I think we should take her to the med-jacks. She needs some rest, and Jeff can check her out," he says.

"Alright then, come on, Greenie. Can you stand up? We will help you walk to that hut, and then you can rest." Alby gives Y/n a hand to help her stand up. And they carry her to Jeff.

~~ Newt's pov ~~

It's been some hours since the girl Greenie came out of the box, the box that came four days early. There was nothing else in the box but her. I don't trust this stuff. But okay, it's mostly Alby's thing to deal with.

I'm with him and Jeff in the med-jacks-hut, watching the girl sleeping. "She's very weak. It looks like she didn't eat a lot lately. But otherwise, she's alright," Jeff says.

A little moment later, she wakes up. Jeff and Alby go directly to her bed. "How are you feeling?" they ask her. I'm keeping my distance. Like I said, I don't want to get too much involved at the moment. I have my own things to deal with.

"I'm alright," she says with a trilling and sleepy voice. "I remember my name. Y/n. My name is Y/n."

"Well, welcome back, Y/n. I'm Alby, the leader around here. This is Newt, he's second in command. And that's Jeff, he's one of the med-jacks."

Y/n looks very curious but scared at the three of us. Alby gives her the basic explanation everyone gets. Like the rules and everything.

"Alright, I think that's it for me. I have to do some other things. But, Newt here will give you a tour around the Glade." Alby places his hands on my back and pushes me closer to the girl. I want to ask him why I have to do this but I don't want to complain. So Alby and Jeff leave, and I'm left with her.

I show her everything we've built and introduce her to some more people. Some boys are very curious. They, of course, don't remember seeing any girl before Y/n. But still, it looks like some really waited for one to come.

She better not start dating or something, with one of the boys. I'm sure that won't do any good.

The last thing I have to show her is the wall with our names. And then she can carve her own name on it.

Now that I'm walking here with her, I realize she doesn't say a lot. I'm just telling everything, and she's quiet.

Y/n is walking like two meters away from me. With most boys, she keeps her distance. She's constantly rubbing her arm. She looks so uncomfortable and closed. I think she's very overwhelmed by all this.

Maybe she's not ready for this, for the names. She will see some are crossed out. And I'll have to explain to her it's because these boys have died.

I decide to not tell her now and to go back to where most Gladers are.

"You know," I start questioning. "We should go back. I thought there was something left over there, but it's not there anymore."

She looks at me very confused. I get closer and place my hand on her back so she will follow me on the way back. But she clearly didn't want me to touch her. I can't believe how stupid I am.

Still, we go back to the homestead.
It's time to eat.

~~ Y/n's pov ~~

I'm walking back with Newt after the tour. He showed me the whole Glade and introduced me to a lot of people.

Like Winson and Frypan, they seem really nice. Clint is the other medjack. He and Jeff are very friendly.

There's this guy, Gally, with these weird eyebrows. I don't know how to feel about him.

The runner Minho is my favorite at the moment. He was very sweet to me.

And there's, of course, Alby and Newt. They're both good people.

We found our way to a bigger room where all the boys were eating. I see Minho is back from the afternoon run in the Maze. Newt brings me to Frypan, gets his food first, and leaves me again.
Frypan gives me some food, too, but I'm not really hungry.

I go back to the room where everyone is eating. I need to find a place to sit. I'm looking around for empty seats and see there's one next to Minho. So I go over there.

"Hi, can I sit here?" I ask him.
"Yeah, of course, make yourself at home."

Minho is talking with the other runner named Ben while I try to eat. It's not that the food tastes bad, but I can't eat it. It feels like my body refuses to get some food inside. And I don't know why. I've got the feeling like something is missing.

I'm staring at my plate and playing with my food as Minho 'wakes me up'.
"Why aren't you eating anything, Greenie?" He asks gently and with a little smile on his lips.

"I don't know, I'm still a bit overwhelmed by everything I think. I'm just not hungry, you know."

"It's okay. We were all overwhelmed when we first got here. But you'll see, this is actually a nice place. Normally, every the first night of a new Greenie, there's a huge bonfire, and it's a lot of fun. But because you're not 100% alright yet, we will wait some days."

"It does sound like fun," I say to Minho as someone comes standing behind me. It's Alby, and he placed his hand on my shoulder. "Greenie, listen, we don't want you to sleep with the other Gladers, boys. We are gonna build a little hut where you will get your own bed. But for now, you'll have to sleep in the med-hut for a few nights."

I nod, but he leaves again immediately.

••Time skip••

I went to bed early. I want some time for myself.
But the only thing I'm doing is staring at this ceiling.

I want some fresh air so I decide to go outside. It's already pretty dark, and it got cold. There is a strong wind that tries to blow me back inside, but the sky is clear. I can see all the stars, so I'll just walk a bit and lay down in the grass, looking at the stars.

And that's what I do. I'm laying down in the cold, long, and kinda wet grass. And I'm looking at the beautiful sky. I hear some boys further away talking. There are still lights on in the homestead.

I'm trying to remember something, but I only know my name. It's hard, not remembering anything from outside.

I got these strong feelings that there's way more behind these giant walls. I just don't know what. It feels like, deep down, I remember everything, and it wants to come out, but it can't.

This is way too much for me. I don't know how I'm going to handle this feeling.

It's getting really late, I think. I should go back. I sit up, and my head is spinning a bit.

Still, I stand up and try to walk back. But it looks like the whole world is spinning around, and I try to balance.

That's until everything became black, and I feel my head hitting the ground.







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