Dwindling Alternatives

Start from the beginning

Harry doesn't usually get what he wants, but since his life took this turn for the better, he hopes he gets to keep it like that a little longer.

Mr Wright also doesn't seem to want to get rid of him, for some reason. He doesn't know why the man would want him, but he isn't going to complain about it any time soon, and will just believe that Mr Wright meant it when he said that he would do what he could so Harry could stay , even if it could have been said just so he would stop crying like a baby on Mr Wright's shirt. He hadn't even meant to cry, but it there had been so much fear just all at once and the relief and he didn't know what to do with it, not when he didn't have to push it all down and hide it anymore so his relatives wouldn't notice and taunt him for it or make it worse. Maybe Mr Wright being so nice was turning him into a crybaby. If he gets to stay, it might even be worth it.

All the crying and hugging didn't mean the nightmares went away, this time about Mr Wright dying and Harry having to go back to the Dursleys. Maybe Mr Wright heard him at night - he really tried to be quiet even if it didn't always work - because the first thing he said during breakfast was that they were going over to the Changs.

That means flying!

"You look about to vibrate through your seat," Mr Wright says, but he's smiling so Harry figures it isn't a complaint.

"Sorry," he mumbles between bites of his eggs, just to be sure.

"Don't be, but they're not going anywhere, you can afford to chew and swallow your breakfast instead of inhaling it," this time it does have a bit of a tone, so Harry nods and tries to slow down, even if he's excited.

He really likes flying, even if flying with Cho means helping her train for Quidditch. Harry doesn't really didn't mind the games but it doesn't make a lot of sense to him, then again he doesn't get football either, it has way too many rules and he would rather watch a cartoon instead. Cho doesn't really mind if he takes off to fly between their games and sometimes even shows him tricks like how to hang upside-down on his broom without it flying off. He did it with Hermione once on the tree behind the house, but hanging from the broom was so much more fun!

"Done!" Harry says after washing down his last bite of toast with the rest of the orange juice, almost standing up before remembering to look at Mr Wright for permission.

"Alright, let's go," Mr Wright chuckles and Harry doesn't know what's funny and is too busy running to the fireplace to ask, "careful!"

"'s not that high," he mumbles while reaching for the floo powder on the tip of his toes, grinning when he reaches it and grabbing a handful before passing it over to Mr Wright and throwing his share down on the fireplace before stepping into it, "Chang Chambers!"


"Well, that's certainly unusual," Chang set down the piece of parchment on her office table, looking just as puzzled as Michael felt, "At least I think it is, I'm no healer or potions expert."

"Healer Dahlia did say it was unexpected," Michael confirms, sighing at the sight of the scribbled 'M's in the centre of the parchment, wondering why it hadn't managed to struggle all the way through his name at the very least.

"Nothing to do but move on," she advises dismissively, unsheathing her wand just long enough to vanish the parchment into non-existence, "I had hoped to explore other options, but I suppose we've reached our last resort."

"Not ominous at all," he tries to joke, though the thought that he was running out of choices was unsettling enough to turn his tone from light to wary.

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