The Scavenger Hunt

Start from the beginning

"Mmhmm. So, who else?" Asked Thatcher.

"There's Maverick, he's Zephyr's best friend. Then, Mackenzie, who's Kalista's daughter. Kalista is Ica's best friend. Then we have siblings Mattimeo and his little sister Minette. Mattimeo is the oldest of the kids. He's fourteen and very mature but you can tell he's still a kid at times." Chuckled Eliza. Then lastly there's Dakota. He's soft spoken and a very sweet boy."

Thatcher nodded slowly, then grinned over at his wife. "You do know I'll forget by the time we get there right?"

Eliza shook her head smiling. "Oh I know dear."

When they got to the Kingdom Hall, they were the first ones there. "We're a little early. Everyone should be coming soon.

"Eliza, I'm really excited. I know...I know weren't able to have children, will be nice having six around today." He said bashfully.

Eliza just looked at her husband. He was right. They had both wanted children, but weren't physically able to have any. Seeing him excited to spend the day with these Jehovah's Witness children made her heart swell. Then the corners of her mouth tugged into a warm smile as she placed her hand on top of his. "Me too Thatch."

Pretty soon two cars pulled into the empty parking lot. "Oh here comes the Mortimers and the Fannings." Eliza and Thatcher stepped out of the car ready to greet them. First to come over are the Mortimer children. Mattimeo went right up to Thatcher and extended his hand. "You must be Mr. Fletcher. It's nice to meet you. Thank you for taking us today." He said smiling sincerely.

The Canterfiction Tales

"Yes! I'm so excited!" Piped Minette, squealing and jumping up and down like a little school girl.

Mattimeo laughed out loud. "Sorry, my sister gets really excited about things."

Thatcher chuckled. "That's okay. I'm really excited too Minette."

"Oh, and these are their parents. Jack and Rebecca." Said Eliza motioning to them as they walked over to stand with their children.

Both Rebecca and Jack shook Thatcher's hand. "Nice to meet you Thatcher. We really appreciate what you're doing for the kids today." Said Jack. Thatcher smiled and gave a nod of acknowledgment. Then he saw a boy and his father walking to where they were standing.

"Oh, here are the Fannings." Said Eliza. "This is Dakota and his father Conner."

Dakota gave a slight bow his head and said, "Hello Mr. Fletcher. I'm happy I get to spend time with you and Sister Fletcher." He gave both of them a sincere smile.

Thatcher smiled back. "It's my pleasure Dakota. And Mr. Fanning, it is great to meet you as well."

Conner nodded and winked. "The pleasure is mine."

Soon, two more cars pulled into the parking lot. A silver Honda Accord adorned with stickers and a black Audi with raven decals on the side. Both cars parked near each other and out stepped the Frollos, and the McFarlands, and Liam. Eliza waved as the made their way over to where everyone was standing. Mavrik and his best friend Zephyr hustled ahead of their parents and enthusiastically greeted everyone.

"Hi Sister Fletcher!" Yipped Zephyr, as he threw his arms around her. "Today is going to be SO fun!"  Then the eager eleven year old turned his attention to Thatcher. So is this Mr. Thatcher?"

Eliza nodded. "Yup, this is my other half." She said bumping her husband's shoulder playfully with her own.

  Zephyr grinned, then hugged Thatcher, slightly catching him off guard.

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