Coming back from the Dead

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 Remi crouches on a block of wood making up the rooftop, watching the small Titans walk around like they own the place. She shifts quietly, adjusting her grips on her dual blades. Soon enough, she hears the lift start to come down, and butterflies erupt in her stomach. She turns her head towards her childhood friend, who mouths 'it'll be okay. We've got this' to her, even though Connie is scared too. She nods at him in thanks and turns her head to see the lift come to a stop. Remi can hear voices, but can't make out what they are saying. In unison, the cadets on the lift ready their guns.

"The plan's a go!" Marco says. A Titan turns and looks at them, and one of the cadets gasp.

"Keep it together!" Marco yells, eyes widening. "We need to draw them in closer!"

Remi gulps; her time is coming. We have to be in perfect unison if we want to avoid casualties. Soon enough, all of the Titans come and stare at the cadets.

"Ready..." Marco says. All of the cadets aim, and Remi takes a deep breath. The Titans come close enough Marco could reach out and touch it. "FIRE!" He screams. Remi jumps at the loudness of the gunshots, but they're effective; all of the Titans are blind. Once everyone is done shooting, Remi starts to run. Wielding her blades, she leaps down and cuts the nape of a Titan, landing and rolling so she doesn't hurt herself. She turns to see Sasha and Connie land, Connie falling on his back. But what really surprises her is when the Titans turn around.

"I-I'm terribly sorry..." Sasha whimpers.

"My god..." Connie groans.

Sasha starts to back away. "... We came at you from behind..." The Titan starts to walk towards her.

"Sasha and Connie need help!" Bertholdt yells.

"Help them! Now!" Jean demands.

"On it!" Remi cries, starting to sprint.

"I, uh... I'm really..." The Titan leaps at her. "I'm terribly sorry!" Sasha screams, jumping out of the way. Remi jumps, pushing off the wall for power. She does a flip, effectively cutting the nape of the Titan Connie missed. The bald boy stares in shock. Remi lands with her blades behind her and her bangs covering her eyes.

"Mikasa!" Sasha screams from behind Remi. "You saved my life!"

"Thanks," Connie said, smiling slightly.

"Don't worry about it," Remi replies. Annie pats her on the back, and Remi turns to grin at the girl.

"Hey..." Reiner says, coming up behind them. "That was close you two. Thank goodness you're not hurt."

Annie just walks away and Remi giggles at Reiner's dejected face.

"We killed them all!" Jean yells triumphantly. "We need to work on refilling the tanks!"

Everyone grins, especially Marco and Armin.

"They did it!" The blonde exclaims. Marco falls down, and Armin gasps, catching him. A few minutes later, all the gas tanks and blades are refilled. Remi notices Sasha sitting in a corner by herself.

"I gave up to the Titan..." she whispers. "How can I face all of you?!"

"We'll harass you plenty about that later!" Connie exclaims as Remi chuckles. "Right now, we have to get out!"

Remi pulls the taller girl into a hug. "Don't worry about it, kay? At the moment, all that really matters is that you're alive! Now, c'mon. Let's get out of here."

All the cadets gather outside the door. "Is everyone ready?" She asks loudly. "Time to get out!" Everyone cheers and they exit the building as one. But, Remi almost stops in mid air as she catches a glimpse of the Titan that helped them get here being devoured. She lands on a rooftop, soon to be joined by Heidi, Mikasa and Armin. "Cannibalism?" Armin asks like he can't believe it. The Titan roars in pain.

"It can't regenerate itself..." Heidi mutters.

"If we could've somehow unraveled the secrets of that Titan," Mikasa says. "I think we might find a way to break out of this hopeless situation."

"I agree," Reiner says, joining the group on the roof with Annie, Bertholdt and Jean. "If it's completely devoured, we'll never learn a thing! Let's drive away the Titans around it and keep it alive!"

"Are you crazy Reiner?!" Jean asks. "We have the chance to get out of this hell!"

"What if there was the possibility of that Titan becoming our ally?" Annie asks. "Wouldn't that be a more powerful weapon than any cannon we have?"

"Huh?" Jean gasps. "Did you just say ally? Are you serious?"

"I agree," Heidi says quietly. "Imagine what we could do with that much more information."

Suddenly, Armin gasps. "That's... the unique variant that ate Thomas!"

Remi turns to see a skinny Titan with straw coloured hair strolling towards the other Titans. Suddenly, the Titan being eaten becomes angry and roars, breaking away from his captors. He runs straight at the other Titan, even though both his arms were torn off. Angrily, he bites the blonde Titan's neck at the nape, and throws that one and another fat one into a house. The cadets gasp.

"Hey!" Jean says as the Titan roars. "Save it my ass!" The Titan then face plants, reminding Remi of Max. Remi winces as she thinks of her dead friend, but pushes away the thoughts so she can focus.

"Well... it looks like it's got nothing left," Jean starts to turn away. "Haven't you seen enough? Let's get out of here. That monster's never gonna be our ally. Once a Titan, always a Titan."

Remi gasps slightly at what she's witnessing.

"What is it with all of you?" Jean asks, coming back.

"Someone is... someone is coming out of the..." Heidi starts, but can't finish. Remi watches in shock as someone she knows emerges from the nape of the Titan. Mikasa gasps as a certain boy who everyone thought was dead throws his head back, turquoise eyes closed thanks to exhaustion, brown hair blowing in the steam coming from the Titan's carcass.


Sorry about the shorter-than-usual chapter guys. But, to make up for it, I have a wonderful surprise for next chapter!

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