The Plan.

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Remi flies back as fast as possible, and almost falls when she zooms right past a group of cadets on a roof. She turns around and lands quietly. As Mikasa flies off, Jean sighs and takes her place. But, Remi isn't listening to what he's saying, as she's too busy looking for Heidi. Suddenly, all of the cadets take off, and Remi follows.


The blonde girl turns her head to see Remi, who frowns as Heidi doesn't respond. The caramel haired girl soon catches up.

"What's wrong?"

Heidi doesn't even look at her.

"Max died."

Marco, who was flying just ahead of them, gasps and turns around. "What?!"

"She was thrown into a house," Heidi continues. "And was crushed by rubble. Armin told me."

Marco, who looks sick, turns back around.Remi is too shocked to say anything. A couple of tears escape her eyes, but she quickly wipes them away.

"There will be time to mourn later," Heidi said, still showing no emotion. "She would want us to live, so that's what we're gonna do, kay?"

Remi nods. The cadets-with some casualties along the way-made it to Headquarters. Remi and Jean enter first, covering their face with their arms to protect it from the glass.

"How many made it?" Marco asks. Jean runs a hand through his hair, looking conflicted. He then turns his head. Remi jumps as she goes over to comfort him but catches a glimpse of cadets staring wide eyed at them from under a desk. One of them is crying with blood along the side of their face and jacket.

"You guys are with the Quartermaster Corps, aren't you?" Jean asks.


Jean grabs the one who isn't bleeding by the collar, drags him up, and punches him in the face. Remi scowls, but Marco runs over to restrain Jean before she could do anything.

"Stop it Jean!"

"These are the bastards! They're the guys who left us to die! It's your damn fault people died needlessly!"

"Titans entered the depot!" The girl with blood on her face protested. "There was nothing we could do!"

"It's your job to deal with it!" Jean yells. Suddenly, there's loud yell, and Remi joins Reiner by the window to check it out.

"Get down!" He warns loudly. Remi ducks as a titan's face slams into the wall, creating a massive hole.

"Damn," Jean swears. "Too many people in one place!"

Everyone starts to scream and floods further inside the building. Remi tries to get up, but her legs are trapped under an overturned desk. So, she stays as still as possible, watching Jean stare at the massive titan faces. Her eyes widen as a massive fist suddenly smashes into the faces, making the titans go flying. She stares in shock at the brown haired titan who just punched two of his own kind. He opens his mouth and roared angrily, causing Remi to childishly plug her ears.

"What the hell is that?" Jean stutters. Remi flinches as Mikasa bursts through a window followed by Connie and Armin.

"Mikasa!" Jean cries in shock.

"That was close... I was running on fumes," Connie said happily, tapping his gas tank as Armin stared at him in shock. "I just barely made it!"

"Y-you're... alive!" Jean said. Mikasa stood up.

"We did it Armin!" Connie says, hitting Armin on the back multiple times.


"Your strategy worked! Listen everybody! That titan is an unique variant that goes on titan killing sprees!" Connie stands up and points out the window. "What's more, it's shows no interest in us! If we use that one the right way, we can escape from here!"

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