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"Umm, uhh, Yoichi?"

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"Umm, uhh, Yoichi?"

"Yes Lucky?"

"B-behind you, WHO IS THAT?!"



"Umm...your fan's just on backwards.."

Poor Prototype Yoichi. He just wanted to tell him that, but ended up jumpscaring them instead.

hE'S gOnNa HAunT HiM foReveR iN HiS DWEamS

This one didn't take so long. But really, I can imagine him living in the walls of his castle >:)

His design also looks really cool. As far as I know, it- I mean he was prolly scrapped bc of two reasons.

1) They had trouble animating him.

2) The four-legged horse probably killed the anthropomorphic-ness of the world.

3) They just wanted to reference the Heian toy (Miharu-goma).

Oh well, but he's gonna haunt Yoichi for a very long time, I am sure of that :P

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