Some rando DCIG trash #2 (ft. Rivalry)

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Welcome back everyone! Yeah, I know last time turned into a bit of a disaster but don't worry- a ton of cool stuff is waiting for you! Here we go- hold on...rivalry?! Whos that? 

"Ahem, did you forget about me?"


"Forget about us?" 

Otohime? I mean, princess? What are you doing here?

"You mean what are we doing here, hm?" Yoichi rode his horse to..well, obviously my side.

Let me guess, Tanooki wrote a letter saying that you two should totally accompany me to talk about random DCIG stuff?


"Uhhh, excuse me Otohime, that letter was for me only, not you."

"I just wanted to accompany you to make sure you're alright! I'll make sure there is no one there to attack you."

But isn't Yoichi a samur-

"Or you were just offended that Tanooki chose me over you and you put him in some sort of punishment, did you not?"

"Nonsense! Why would I do that?"

"Then why did I hear one of the palace guards saying that you turned him into stone temporarily?!"


"This is temporary, is it not?"


"IS IT?!"

Alright alright you two. Just calm down. Yoichi, cool those bloodshot eyes. Otohime, make sure he is...alright."

"Oh I'll make sure he is alright."


(This is going to be a long day...)

Where in the hell was Fukuro in the ending cutscene? Well, we saw him with the other champions but where was he when the sakura blossoms whoosed around the island? He wasn't at the top of the mountain either. And not to mention his height.

"Hmmm...I must say, that intrigues me. Otohime, do you have any idea?"

"Why would you except me to know?"

"You're a god like him, so I thought you would know."

"Just because I am one does not mean that I'll know everything centaur."


"Don't even think about using your commanding voice at me Yoichi."

"I'm sorry but you have little to no right on calling me that."

Will you two please be quiet? I really wanna complete this already..



And that also means lowering your volume Yoichi. I guess its your turn.

"Almost everyone has been questioning me on why do I have eyeshadow, right?"

"Hey, I've been having that question too lately. Why do you like, even have it even though your sex is male? Is it something that your warrior class possesses?"

"No, princess."

"You know you can call me Otohime."

"Sorry, but thats something everyone tends to do when you offened someone's occupation."

Well, I think its because of the colour meaning. The purple colour is usually associated with warriors so its no doubt that he has it.

"You're wrong Poodle dear! The purple colour represents energy and vitality!"

"No princess, she's right. Green represents energy and vitality, not purple."

"Really? I thought green meant love."

"*says something in Japanese*"

"Do you need translation PoodleOwl?"

Just by looking at the colour of his eyes I can already tell he is calling you an idiot. Sorry princess.


Oooh ooh, I have another one! Wooly (the hot spring owner) is actually wearing traditional Ainu clothing. From what I can remember the hat looks very similar to that of the Ainus.

"Also, why do many people tend to draw me in my swimming attire? Can't they draw me in my special royal robes?"

No Otohime, I think it's because your coloured kimono concept art was never really revealed to public. Only your attire was with colour. Plus, I think it's more easy to draw.


Uhhhh, hey, cheer up. Its not that bad. People still think you're beautiful. Besides, I choose to draw you in your robes for the Christmas drawing. Its nice, no?

"And you choose to draw me frowning. Why is that?"

My apologies samurai, but why don't you see the last word in the chapter's title? Maybe you'll find an answer. (*insert annoyed tone here lol*)


Why do you two keep on fighting like kids? All because of you two I only managed to write a few facts, I was expecting to do more today.



Why do you even fight anyway? You wanted harmony to be here, yet you are doing just the opposite.

"We don't really 'fight', Poodle. Its just a small rivalry that has decided to interfere between the two of us."

A 'small', rivalry?

"Ok maybe not that small but still, we like each other a lot. Thats something very few creatures tend to notice. Not even the other champions catch on to this. Right Yoichi?"

"Yup, pretty much."

"We're still friends Poodle-san."

*sigh* Maybe I shouldn't have gone too far as well so I'm sorry.

Both of them: "Same."

So I guess its goodbye?

"I thi- wait a minute, who wrote 'rivalry' in the title?!"



Both of them again: "TANOOKI!!!"


Ummm, so I guess I went a little too far in their rivalry and kinda forgot to add more facts ;(

Also, just a reminder: All the friendly light-hearted hcs, write-ups like this, fanarts, etc. is completely a JOKE. Please, DO NOT take them as canon to ALJ.

Bonus: I guess you can call her a nutshell version of Otohime (drawn from memory tooooo).

Well, whos next? (not sure if I can call this a miniseries tho...)


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