Some rando DCIG trash #3

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Hullos everycreature! I'm back with some more things to talk about! Its a bit long, so I hope you don't mind.

Also, I've finally made sure there is no one to bother me this time, because last time was know what I mean.

Psst, did you know that the original logo for Mountain Climbing was actually a mountain? You can see it partially in the dev/alpha version. (around when the game says 'Seven sports champions rule this island')

Next issssaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAA!

*gets knocked out*


*weird noise*

"Mmmph, now how do you talk in this?"

"Hold on, whatever I say comes here? Oh no, they must be reading whatever I'm saying!"

*clears throat*

"Ummm, hello! Its uhh, Kiyosh- I mean, Champion of Marathon here. After me, the much revered leader of the Kijiminas having visited Otohime and seen her grumbling about that archer, I realized that PoodleOwl had discussed facts about our islet with Yoichi and Otohime only. This was an ultimate displeasure for me because I was not invited. So I decided to take my sweet sweet revenge by knocking her out with the one-of-a-kind hammer. She's unconscious right now so I decided to serve in her stead. And- why are you making those faces?"

"OH RIGHT! You're waiting for me to start, aren't you? Well, here we go!"

"Table Tennis Champion Sojobo was originally going to have a power jump like Lucky in the game as well! Don't believe me? Sophie Diaos has made a pixel animation of him jumping, so there's no doubt."

"The background in the Climbing minigame is actually really beautiful. I mean, isn't it pretty when you see an infinite sea along with some small trees in the background? It really gives a sort of nature vibe. Too bad I can't go up there to click a photo."

"Speaking of Climbing, when you go in the larger room in the Climbing dojo, you can see many owls as well as one owl in the end in some sort of...nest? It also looks a bit special, and I don't think it was meant for him/her (its too large anyway). Obviously its not for Fukuro because hes too large to enter buildings. So who in the world does it belong to?"

"ALSO, I'm beginning to wonder on why do I have quotation marks while that Poodle girl dosen't? Is it because she is the owner of this artbook? Or is it because we are considered as 'characters'? Bit rude it you ask me."

...huh? I feel like I've been hit by an anvil..

"Sometimes I end up thinking that Yoichi and Otohime can make really good partnership in their royalty business or something. Like..Yoichi could train her millitary forces and Otohime could..I'll leave it to you guys."

Oh my god...don't tell me he is..

"*scrolls up* Oh WOW! I didn't know I could write so many facts here. I might have even broke Poodle's record."


" know, I'm kinda beginning to feel bad about knocking her out and invading her book. It is her hard work and effort after all."

"Maybe..maybe I can also create a book like this. Put my thoughts, fanarts, would be so much fun. You know what, I'll go and crea-"


"Umm, uhh, well-"




I won't lie, I invested a lot in this one. And I think my caps key isn't really working properly rn ;-; 

Just a reminder, the Yoichi-and-Otohime one was a joke. But I just really like thinking that Yoichi could command the forces.

And yes, I've named the Champion Kiyoshi, I think it suits him. Like always, leaving feedback is always welcome ;)


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