7. warning

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"You're so cute," Jisung smiled, poking at his boyfriend's cheeks.

"That's you," Minho replied, leaning down to kiss his boyfriends forehead.

Jisung hummed before speaking again, "hey, so, you know how we're together."

"Yeah?" Minho said, smiling as Jisung played with his hand.

"And then there's Changbin and Felix, and we both are pretty sure Seungmin and Chan like each other," Jisung continued, "but what about Hyunjin and Jeongin? Who do you think they will end up with?"

Minho nodded with a hum, "that's a tough question, um," the older paused to think, "Jeongin won't end up with anyone until after graduation for sure, and Hyunjin...I don't know. I don't know if he has his eyes on anyone or anything."

"I think Hyunjin likes someone," Jisung said with a nod, "but I don't know who. I tried to ask him, but he just claimed he didn't like anyone."

"Really? He likes someone?" Minho asked, "we have to find out who it is."

"I know, and we will," the younger replied with another nod.

"You know," Minho cleared his throat, "when we met Jeongin and before Hyunjin had, I thought they would have been kind of cute together."

"Really?" Jisung asked, "I guess I never thought of them as a couple."

"That's because all they do is argue and irritated the fuck out of each other," The older replied, "but think about it. Think of Hyunjin away from Jeongin and Jeongin away from Hyunjin. Them like that, together."

"Aw, damn, they would be cute together in that way," Jisung sighed.

"Too bad they're too busy fighting all the time to realize they're more alike than they know and would make a good couple," Minho shrugged.

"I think it's funny that they have quite a bit in common, but don't realize it," Jisung pointed out, "I mean, they're both very motivated, stubborn, like a lot of the same foods and like doing the same things. It's so incredible how people so much alike could dislike each other so strongly."


Hyunjin looked up and did a double take when he spotted the youngers glasses. He'd seen Jeongin wear them before, but was a rare occasion. Hyunjin stared for a little longer than necessary simply because it was weird seeing the younger with glasses on. He tore his eyes away once he realized he was almost staring.

"Thought you guys were studying during lunch?" Seungmin asked when Jeongin and Jisung both sat down. Felix nodded with a slight head tilt to the left and curious eyes. Hyunjin though, wasn't paying attention, too focused on his drawing.

"We took the test yesterday," Jisung shrugged, "so there's no real reason to be studying right now."

Felix nodded, "it's good to have you guys back, been a little lonely without the two of you around."

"Are you saying me and Hyunjin are kind of boring?" Seungmin asked.

Felix nodded, "yeah."

"Okay," the younger shrugged. Hyunjin still wasn't paying attention as he continued drawing.

"How do you think you did on your test?" Seungmin asked Jisung as they began to eat.

"I think I did fairly well, all thanks to Innie here," Jeongin smiled.

"I hope you enjoyed your help because your free trial of Innie studying has ended," Jeongin replied.

"Does that mean I have to pay now?" The older asked.

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