4. insensitive.

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It was eating at Jeongin. How he said something like that to Hyunjin. He didn't like the older one bit, but that didn't mean that telling the older to just, "knock it off," wasn't a good thing to say. Wasn't a good thing to say to anyone. And so the guilt was eating at him.

He hadn't even spoken to Hyunjin in a few days which was a bit of a blessing. And that was not only because Jeongin avoided any kind of argument that could have been started, but Hyunjin was also doing the same subconsciously. And since they always argued, if neither of them started an argument, they simply didn't talk.

So when a third day passed without a word between either of them, Jeongin felt a little odd. He wasn't used to not only not arguing with Hyunjin at all, but just flat out not talking at all. And he was going crazy because he knew he needed to apologize. And even if no one knew about how insensitive he was, Jeongin could have sworn he heard Chan scolding him for not having apologized before that moment. Scolding him for saying such a thing. 

So that was why instead of heading straight to his dorm that Thursday afternoon, he went on a hunt for the older. Getting pissed off in the process because how the hell couldn't spot the older? He knew Hyunjin always took his time leaving the campus because of all the crowds (and yes he was pissed at the fact that he knew such a thing about the older), and the halls were fairly deserted. He sighed with irritation and was about to give up when he finally saw the male he'd been looking for, for what felt like ten hours.

 "Hyunjin!" Jeongin called out as he jogged over. The older male turned around, clearly confused because why was Jeongin calling after him?

"So what, you're seeking me out to argue now?" Hyunjin asked, shaking his head and still walking away.

Jeongin shook his head, "look, I just....I'm sorry about the other day. I know we don't get along but that's not really an excuse for me to be rude to you when I knew you weren't having a super good day. It was insensitive and yeah, I'm sorry about that."

Hyunjin furrowed his eyebrows and stopped to face the younger, "did Seungmin put you up to this?"

"Did you tell Seungmin what I said?" Jeongin asked.

Hyunjin shook his head, eyebrows still furrowed, "didn't tell anyone."

"And I didn't either," Jeongin shook his head again, "I just wanted to apologize for that one moment, okay? You know, just because we aren't really friends doesn't mean I should be so rude like that. I didn't know, don't know what you were feeling, but no negative sort of mood is necessarily something you can just snap out of it. So yeah, I'm sorry. Okay bye."

Hyunjin sighed as he called out to Jeongin who had already started walking away, "Thanks. For the apology. And it's alright."

Jeongin nodded, "I still don't like you." 

The older chuckled and nodded as well, "I know."

Jeongin turned and walked off, for some reason not feeling angry And that confused him. He shook it off though, and just continued his walk back to his dorm room. Hyunjin had stood frozen in slight confusion before walking back to his own dorm after Jeongin had already left his sight.

It made Hyunjin feel a little better if he was being honest. He didn't hate that side of Jeongin. It was oddly nice, like he had suspected it would be. Having a small conversation that wasn't exactly an argument. And even if Jeongin did tell the older he still hated him, Hyunjin still thought the conversation was kinda nice. But still, Hyunjin figured they would be back to the way they normally were considering they were getting the results of the test they took that Monday, the following day. And he knew that Jeongin probably got a better score than he did on that dumb math quiz because he was too focused on a painting Sunday night to remember to study.

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