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Tuesday, 1st May
8 years ago ........

That was the day my mom left for New York ...... She left ..... me ...... on my birthday. I can't really recall much from that day ....... but I can remember my parents having the loudest and most violent argument they had ever had before my mom finally left a few minutes to my birthday party ....... and she never looked back. Talk about worst birthday ever. From that day on, it was like the more older I got, the more people I lost.

Wednesday, 1st May
7 years ago ..........

"Happy birthday, Chloe", my dad cheered. "Thank you, daddy", I said hugging him. "Where's mommy?", I asked looking around. My dad's face became a little sour. "Oh .... Um ...... She said she couldn't make it ......... but she promised to be here next year", he lied. Next year ? I probably felt bad about it but I didn't want to say anything. "Ok, daddy. I understand", I said, giving him a toothy grin. I was so naive back then that it's almost disgusting, utterly disgusting.

Thursday, 1st May
6 years ago ..........

"Happy birthday, Chloe", my dad and the Agreste family said in unison. "Thank you, everyone", I said smiling. "Daddy? I thought mommy was coming", I whispered to my dad. "Her flight was a bit delayed. Don't worry, dear, she'll be here", my dad assured me. Liar. She never came.

Friday, 1st May
5 years ago .........

"Happy birthday, Chloe", my dad, Adrien and his mom, Emily, congratulated me. "Thank you", I said. "And mom?", I asked, looking at my dad. "Oh, she had a lot of work to do. She'll arrive tomorrow", and once again, my dad lied.

Saturday, 1st May
4 years ago ..........

"Happy birthday, Chloe", my dad, Adrien and his mom wished me. I quietly sighed. "Thanks. Is mom coming?", I asked. "Well ........................", Of course he made something up.

Sunday, 1st May
3 years ago .........

"Happy birthday, Chloe", my dad, Adrien and Sabrina said ..............
Even more lies! .......... After that ........ I just stopped asking. It was probably for the best.

Monday, 1st May
2 years ago ..........

"Happy birthday, Chloe", my dad and Sabrina cheered .................
I just nodded. What was the point of all this?

Tuesday, 1st May
Previous year .......

"Happy birthday, Chloe", My dad said. I take back what I said before, this was the worst birthday ever. I had lost my mom, uncle Gabriel, aunt Emily, Adrien and then ......... Sabrina. I felt horrible, utterly horrible. Sabrina and Adrien probably hated me, I mean, who wouldn't? How was I supposed to have a "happy" birthday when I have absolutely nothing?! I was destined to be alone.

It All Started With A Flower (Lukloe Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now