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She met him when she was only nineteen, they hit it off and within a month they were dating, in total they dated for 2 years and 4 months. For one whole year he cheated on her with the same girl, she knew it went beyond that one girl. He spent the entire of their relationship bar the first 5 months belittling her, picking on things she hated about herself, forcing chocolate down her throat and calling her too skinny.

After all she had been through he still hurt her, mentally, emotionally and on occasion physically. She only left him after seeing video evidence that wrecked her heart.

As the three cars made it into the station she had no idea what would happen, how things would plan out. 

Her entire body felt tense, Amelia had warned Lizzy to take the three children inside for something to eat.

Derek had a face full of anger as he stepped out of his car, he slammed his door shut and rushed to the woman he knew he was falling for.

"Hey, are you okay"He spoke softly opening her door. Meredith looked at him with sad eyes and slowly nodded. 

"Do you know him Dear" Carolyn asked, Mike hadn't let his own car yet, he only played loud music. She nodded her head.

"He is her ex. From Chicago"Addison exhaled as Meredith got out of her own car stepping into Derek's arms.

"I reported his license plate for dangerous driving and driving over the limit." Although he was full of anger she was his priority, Carolyn and Charles slipped away into the diner by the station as the door of the black BMW swung open. 

Addison and Amelia were both standing with Mark. Derek seemed to pull Meredith in closer feeling the need to protect her.

"Der"She whispered looking up into his eyes. Slowly he released his grip, Meredith stepped out from his arms as Mike walked over to where they stood. Mark, Addison and Amelia moved to stand with Derek.

"Are you a fucking maniac. You could have ran us off the road"Meredith hissed as his cold brown eyes met hers.

"So you talk. I wasn't planning on it. You got a new car. I drove past earlier. Thought it was and needed confirmation" Mike wasn't an overly attractive man.

He had slicked back blonde hair, brown eyes that carried no emotion. His build slim with slight muscle, there wasn't much as much of a height difference compared to Derek. Derek towered over Meredith and he had a muscular build with the most soft black hair. Derek's eyes told a story.

"Why are you here Mike?"Meredith asked with Derek behind her.

"Business trip" He worked in logistics. He was a boring person. 

"Why the hell did you chase me down the highway"Meredith raised her voice lightly.

"You fucking left me Meredith. Two years and what 2 months and you just left" He threw his hands in the air.

"2 Years and 4 months. In those two years you slept with other people, you cheated on me with Jessie for a year. I left and I went home. I ignored Addie when she said you were just a spoiled bastard. "Addison couldn't hepl but laugh as Mike pulled a face.

"So what. Now you are fucking this guy"Mike pointed at Derek. Meredith smiled as she felt Derek's body press up behind her.

"Well he is fucking me but I guess you can see it how you would like" Meredith shrugged. Derek chuckled into her hair.

"How long did it take you to sleep with him after the first day. It took me 5 fucking months to get you to sleep with me once we got together"His voice was loud. Derek felt her move in his arms. 

"It is none of your fucking business. You are nothing to me anymore. I look back on what we had and I know that it wasn't love. I didn't love you. We were barely a couple. I spent every night begging you to call me back. Begging you to come see me. Whilst you were fucking people behind my back I was waiting for you. I cared for you but I never loved you. Not how I.."She cut herself off. "I don't even know how you managed to cheat so much when you are awful in bed anyway.  I don't think I know what orgasm meant before Derek"

Addison's eyes opened widely as Mike's face flushed red.

"You are just a stupid slut you know that. You stupid dumb fucking bitch"Meredith heard Derek grunt behind her.

"You have a problem now. Bye Sweetie"Addison rolled her eyes pulling Meredith away as Derek took a few steps closer to Mike.

"You, she is my girl now. You got that. You have a car with damaged sides, your tint is illegal and you broke what 3 laws on that highway. My friend Roddy over there in that grey nissan will take you into custody bud. Don't worry, I'll look after her in all the ways you lacked"Derek lowered his tone as he spoke to him "Oh and if you ever cuss my girl like that again, I will feed you your own dick for dinner" Mike cringed as the other officers came.


They sat in the diner together, calming down after what had just happened. Meredith leant into Derek's shoulder as she took light sips of her coke. 

The kids were playing on the outdoor climbing frame, Lizzy and Kathleen had decided to allow them half an hour to burn off some steam before they continued the journey on.

"Your ex is an ass"Amelia groaned as she shoved fries into her mouth.  Meredith and Addison nodded.

Derek wrapped his arm around Meredith, she snuggled into him feeling comfort and warmth.

She knew she was falling for him.

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